Chapter 5: I love you too

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Hi everyone!! Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. I've been really busy so but anyways before you start the story I have something to say.

I didn't realize how short the last chapter was so I'm going to try and make up for it in this chapter. Thank you and ENJOY!!!


For the rest of the weekend I was so upset. I wanted to cry. I felt as if I wasn't that important. On the way to school with Danielle I was kinda quiet for most of the way. She noticed something was wrong with me so she asked what as wrong. I told her about what Damien said.

"Well that just goes to show you that there are more fish in the sea!" she says.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying that if he's going to be embarrassed to saying that he likes a girl who isn't popular just isn't right. Besides, WHO WOULD SAY THAT TO A GIRL!?"

"You are the best!" I say as I hug her.

We get to school and I can see Damien with his friends laughing. I can't stand to see him so happy. After what he said that made me so sad. It doesn't seem right.

Well the whole day I was so mad that I was about to burst! He just went on as if nothing happened.

Or did it just mean nothing happened to him. Did I not mean enough to him that when I logged off, it was nothing? I just want this day to be over. I am so confused.

The whole day I was quiet and didn't talk much. He was all I could think about. Was he the right one that I should be looking at? Danielle kept telling me don't think about him, he's stupid, there are alot more better guys, who cares what he thinks. But in my head I kept saying, I want to think about him, he's great, he's the only guy, I care what he thinks.


I get home and watch tv. I'm watching some show about a adorable couple and I can't help to tink that I wish y love life were like that.  Then I get a message from Damien. Great can't wait for this!

"hey wat was wrong? you seemed sad today"

"nothing I want to tell you about"

"come on, tell"



"I said no"

"was it something i did?"

I debated telling him. Then I got a pic of a puppy, doing the puppy dog face. I starting laughing, damit.

"yester day you said that you were embarrassed to admit to your friends you like me cause I'm not popular"

"omg i swear i didn't mean it like that"

"then how was it supposed to be"

"me being mr big shot, it kinda fits to like a popular girl. Well that's what everyone assumes. but not in my case. I love you, not some stuck up chick who cares only about hair and clothes. I kow you're not like that and that's what makes you so wonderful and different."

When I got that I was in shock. He said I was wonderful. But not only that, he said I love you. I didn't know how to respond. I was speechless. I'm in shock, denial, and relived. While trying to sort out my thoughts he sends me another message.

"sorry gtg. talk to you later?"

"sure bye . . . i love you too"

And with that I got ready for bed. We only got to talk for a little bit after. But not matter what anyone said to me it could never make me as happy as that moment he said I love you. And I really do love him back.

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