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Their tails of red
Their hair of gold
They whisper in my mouth
My lungs, I let them mold

Breathe in their air
My chest expands
But constricts my heart
I may not think it's fair
But they force their part

Letting my tail grow
I can no longer walk on my own
The water makes my beauty to allure men
I am becoming one of them

My tail suffocates my legs
Growing of blue
Making me feel that way
The tails make me unable to pull through

Whisper in their mouths
Fill in their lungs
Control where it closes
And empty out their love

The one way to satisfy my lust
Turn their hearts to dust
Create another tail
Until all of us fail

I'm sorry it must be this way
The tails controlled me
I had no say
Water blinds and I can't see

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