Straight is Unacceptable

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I don't want to be near you
But it's nothing against you
I wan't to be with you
But not like this
It makes me anxious

I know you have the way you feel and all
That's fine
And I perfectly respect that
I just don't want to be even close
To anything that makes my anxiety flat line

You moved on
I haven't
accepted it yet
There's just one thing I don't get

How do you suddenly turn straight?
You've had girlfriends before
You've been attracted your whole life
Did seeing me just make your eyes sore?

Did I make you this way?
I have so many questions
But there's nothing I can say
I see you at school day after day
I leave you on read all too much
But I don't know how to respond to an "okay"

You know what?
It's not okay
I'm not okay
But there's nothing I can say
To have you go back to feeling the same way
As I do

Because you have a guy now
You don't need your ex crying around you at all times because she can't get over her feelings that were lost in the center of her heart
You ran away with him
And now she's falling apart

You held my life together
By a thread thinner than a few hairs of a feather
That was my will to live
But I can longer give my love to the one who I long to give it to
And there goes almost all of the thread left

I'm hanging on by the noose around my neck
I'm living for a short second before to my own life,
I become a threat
Don't cut me down with that knife

Use it to help me
Free my body
Of all my insecurities
And blood
It floods

It stains my hardwood floors
With all the love I had left
Out from my heart it pours
Drips through the cracks
Soak it all in
Every last drop
And my body
Drops to the floor

See you in another life

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