It's Okay

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Do you think it's okay to hurt me?
Do you think its okay to desert me?
Do you think it's funny?

Is it okay to treat my emotions like a joke?
It is okay to make fun of things I can't control?
Is it okay for you provoke?
Is it okay to smash my goals?

Just for your own fun
Because honestly I'm done

Do you think hurting my feelings is nothing?
Do you think my depression isn't effecting?
Because it is

Is it okay?
Is it okay?
Am I okay?

You don't know
You don't know that my anger is just a show
You don't feel
You don't feel regret, nor know what feelings are real
You won't think
You won't think it's funny when my blood runs down the sink
It's not okay
It's not okay making me not want to live another day

I don't know what else to say
But it's over now

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