Chapter Two

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Another year of school.

Another year that I'm all alone.

Another year I have to live with the regrets of failing the one I truly love.

Ruruka Ando.

I wonder how's she doing.

What would she say to me if she was able to come back for just a moment?


I then looked down at the katana I had just crafted.

Perfect, as usual.

After all, it always has to be perfect.


I then looked at the time to see that if I didn't hurry that I'd miss dinner.

Guess this is where I take my break from my work.

I then set the katana with the others, and exited my room.

As I walked down the hallways, my eyes saw all the different friend groups and couples that were already starting to form.

Lucky them.

Once I arrived in the dining hall, I grabbed my meal and sat down in a seat in the very back corner in hopes of not attracting attention to myself.

... I really don't want to talk to anyone at the moment...


As Seiko and I were eating our dinner, something caught my eye.

A male sitting all by himself in a corner of the room.

... And he looked depressed...

"Hey Seiko, do you know who that guy is?" I asked while directing Seiko to the male.

Seiko looked where I was directing before answering.

"Yeah. Sonosuke Izayoi; the ultimate blacksmith. Why do you ask?" Seiko questioned.

"Well, he seems lonely. I think I'm going to go say hi." I explained while standing up.

Seiko quickly grabbed my arm.

"I don't think that'd be very wise."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because... He's not very fond of people talking to him..." Seiko explained.

"But... I can't just leave him all alone while he suffers... Just wait here, okay? I'll be right back." I said before pulling away from Seiko's grasp.

I then headed over to Sonosuke, and sat down next to him.

He didn't even look up.

"Hey. My name's (y/n). How're you doing?"

Sonosuke frowned.

"Why're you bothering me?"

Ouch. Seems like this will be a tough case to crack... But I'm up for the challenge!

"I saw that you were all by yourself, and wanted to see if you were okay. Everyone should have a friend that they can be with." I explained.

"Did you ever consider that I wanted to be by myself? That I don't want any friends?"


"That can't be true! Everyone needs at least one person by their side." I explained.

Sonosuke seemed bothered by that statement.

He's suffering... I can feel it...

... And I need to be the one to help him...


Why is this girl trying so hard to act like she can help me?

... Wait a second... That name... '(y/n)'... I've heard that name somewhere before...

... That's right...

(y/n) (y/l/n); the ultimate peacemaker. Known for helping others to no ends from disputing children to solving world-wide issues. She's truly a legend.

... That doesn't make her efforts any less annoying...

... But that does clear things up...

... Sigh...

"Maybe some people need someone else by their side, but I certainly don't." I explained.

Although I knew I was lying.

I want someone by my side.

But I know that if I did have someone...

.. I'd only fail to protect them...

... Just like Ruruka...


My heart is literally breaking at this moment. This poor soul. It's obvious that he's gone through some tragic things in the past. That's why he's all alone. But I shouldn't try to pry the answers out of him. Instead, I should just try to be his friend. Yeah, that's it!

"And how do you know that? Look, I understand wanting to have some alone time. I get it. You can't always spend time with people and be happy. But there's a certain need in every human being; a need for companionship. And you're no exception. And so... I've made up my mind! I'm going to be your friend! Even if you don't want it at the moment, I won't give up. You need my help. I just know it!" I explained.

Sonosuke looked confused by my outburst, but quickly went back to an empty emotion outlook.

"Fine. Do as you please." Sonosuke said with a sigh.

I smiled.

"Great! I promise you won't regret it. So... I'm going to go back to Seiko now, so that she isn't lonely. Classes start tomorrow, right? Well, I hope that we'll see each other tomorrow in a mutual class." I explained before walking away.

Seiko was waiting patiently for me.

"How did it go?" Seiko questioned.

"Well... He was a bit cold. But I know that there's a warm-hearted person underneath that cold exterior. And I have a feeling I'll be able to get to it." I explained.

"How can you be sure?" Seiko questioned.

"That's easy. I'm the ultimate peacemaker. There's no one I can't reach." I explained.

"Oh..." Seiko's voice trailed off.

Don't worry Sonosuke... I'll help you reach personal peace within yourself. I promise! 

Hello. Hope you're still enjoying the story (despite it still being the beginning of the story). If not, I'd love to hear what I can do to improve. Thanks in advance! Later! =^-^=

Promise (Sonosuke Izayoi X Reader) [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now