Chapter Six

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Wow. The s'mores cookies turned out even better than expected!

By the time that Sonosuke and I had finished the cookies, everyone was either looking our way, or asking us to have some.

"Seems like our cooking is pretty popular." I stated.

"Seems like it."

Mr. Lanos walked up to us, looking very impressed with our creation.

"Seems like you two have lots of cooking experience. I'll be expecting a lot from you two. But don't worry, I won't be giving you harder work or anything. I'll just be expecting higher performances." Mr. Lanos said.

"You can count on me!" I responded.

Mr. Lanos.

"Glad to hear so." Mr. Lanos said before walking back to his desk.

"Well, I think we actually tried them. Despite having a beautiful appearance, the taste is the most important quality a treat should have." I explained.

"I agree."

I smiled.

He may be talking in short sentences, but at least he's talking.

I then handed him a s'more cookie.


Sonosuke took the cookie, and tried it.

He seemed to enjoy it, which I'm glad to see.


I never thought I'd taste something better than Ruruka's cooking. I must say that I'm in utter awe of (y/n)'s cooking abilities.

"I'm glad to see that you're enjoying the cookie." (y/n) said with a smile.

"It's rare to see someone who excels Ruruka's cooking." I quietly stated.

"Ruruka? Who's that?" (y/n) questioned.

"I'd rather not talk about her." I explained.

(y/n) had a look of concern, but didn't push the topic any further, which I'm grateful for.

... I can't believe I allowed myself to speak the name of someone I couldn't protect...

... Why must I be so weak?


I think it was a bad move to ask about Ruruka. Now Sonosuke has a depressed look on his face.

Just as I was going to try to make things better, the bell rang, indicating that class was over.

"Five for swimming, right?" Sonosuke questioned.

"Yep. See you then?"

"Yeah." Sonosuke stated before leaving the classroom.

Poor guy. He must be really suffering to be acting like this. This is one of the worst cases I've ever seen.

But this only makes me more determined to help him!

I then put the cookies in a plastic bag, put it in my backpack, and exited the classroom to head back to my classroom.

As I was doing so, I noticed some guy lifting another student into the air.

"You want to repeat that?" The guy lifting the other student questioned.

I hurried up to them, and tried to push the two boys apart.

"Let's not fight. Fighting is not how to resolve the conflict." I stated as I tried to lessen the grip of the attacker.

It wouldn't budge.

"And who do you think you are? My mother? Get lost!" The attacker warned.

I'm used to this; being told to leave.

"Just tell me what happened. We may be able to come to a peaceful conclusion if we just talk about it."

"Why you being so nosy? I said get lost!"

The guy then released one hand holding the other guy, and used it to punch my gut.

I hunched over in pain.

As my vision was starting to fall to the ground, I looked up to see that the guy that had been attacked had been able to escape thanks to the lessened grip.

... Totally... Worth it...


As I was heading back to my room, I heard a lot of commotion going on a few hallways down.

"Is she okay!?"

"Does she need a nurse?!"

I heard other things like this, and hurried down the hallway, pulling out my medicine.

Perhaps I can help!

When I arrived, I noticed students surrounding a student who I couldn't see due to many different bodies.

I pushed my way through the crowd, to see that it was (y/n) on the ground, unconscious.

"What happened?" I questioned, as I pulled out different sorts of medicine.

One student turned to me.

"She tried to stop a fight, and ended up getting punched in the stomach. But, she did end the fight. No wonder she's the ultimate peacemaker." The student explained.

Despite wanting to go after the one who hurt my friend, I need to focus on helping (y/n).

I then pulled out an herb that's good at helping someone wake up, and placed it close to (y/n)'s body.

In a matter of seconds, (y/n) was awake, covering her nose.

"What is that awful scent!?"

"Sorry." I stated, as I closed the lid on the herb.

"Wait... Did the fight end!? Is anyone hurt?!" (y/n) questioned.

"No. You're the only one who got hurt. You're a hero, (y/n)." I explained.

(y/n) seemed to sigh in relief.

"That's good to hear."

Students then started to leave her be after realizing that she was alright.

"We should probably get you to the nurse's office." I stated.

"No thanks. I'm good." (y/n) reassured me as she stood up.

Though I saw her wincing as she walked a few steps.

Her hands immediately went to her stomach.

I frowned.

"I have a medicine that helps with stomach pain. Here." I said while handing her the medicine.

"Thanks." (y/n) said, before taking a chewable pill.

(y/n)'s face went to disgust, but swallowed it.

Not a surprise; medicine doesn't really taste good most of the time.

Though (y/n) seemed to already be feeling better.

"Thanks. Those herbs of yours are like miracle workers!" (y/n) praised.

"T-Thanks." I stuttered.

I must admit that it feels nice to have my work praised.

"Well, I should probably head to my room so I can rest before we meet up at the pool. See you later!" (y/n) said before running off.

"Okay." I said, even though I'm sure she probably can't hear me.

(y/n) truly is a special girl.

Hello everyone! Sorry for taking a while to update. I have finally created an official updating schedule which you can find on my profile if you're interested. It will go into effect next week since I just made it yesterday, and I'm trying to update each story once before that happens. Anyway, hope you're enjoying the story (as always). Later! =^-^=

Promise (Sonosuke Izayoi X Reader) [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now