Chapter Five

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Ugh... Math is so boring! And, to make things worse, I'm not sitting close to Sonosuke. He's three rows down and one to the left of me.

... This sucks...

Soon enough though, math was finally over, and I looked at my schedule to see what I had left.

Just cooking.

Yay! A class where I can let my creative imagination run wild!

As I exited the classroom, I noticed Sonosuke following me.

Wait... Don't tell me...

... He has cooking too!?

My suspicion was proven correct when Sonosuke followed me into the Cooking classroom.

It's so hard to believe... I have three classes with this guy! How lucky can you get?!

I was quick to seize opportunity to sit next to him.

"I must say... I'm quite surprised. Why'd you choose to take cooking?" I questioned Sonosuke.

Sonosuke was quite for a minute before responding.

"Someone very close to my used to love to cook." Sonosuke answered.

Used to...?

Wait... If my assumptions about him going through something tragic in the past are true... Could it be that he lost a loved one...? And that's what he means by 'used to love to cook'?

Either way, I can't jump to conclusions yet.

"I see. What did they like to cook?" I questioned.

"Sweets." Sonosuke answered.

He seemed to be getting depressed with each passing moment. Better change the conversation quick!

"So... What's your history with cooking?" I questioned.


"Well then... I guess I'll be your mentor in this class then. I may not be an ultimate in cooking, but I can cook well enough to impress leaders of countries in our peace meetings!" I explained.

Sonosuke seemed shocked to hear that.

"You've... Impressed leaders of countries with your cooking?"

I giggled at his shocked tone of voice.

"Yep! To prove that I really cared about them as a person and not just their title, I baked some cookies and a lemon angel food cake for them."

Sonosuke seemed very impressed at this.

"Then I'll be expecting much from you."

That's the spirit!

"You can count on me!"

We then had to stop talking since class had started.

"Hello everyone. My name is Mr. Lanos, and I'm going to be your cooking teacher for this semester. I hope that we can all get along and have a wonderful learning experience." Mr. Lanos introduced himself.

He seems very easy-going.

"As for our first day, we're going to have a bit of an experiment. This experiment will be where you can cook whatever you want, with any ingredients you can find except those specifically labeled 'No use allowed'. If you need to use the stove or oven, please make me aware. The reason we're having this experiment is because I want to see what you guys already know. You may begin now." Mr. Lanos explained.

Everyone was excited as they rushed to find ingredients to make their own creations.

Well, everyone except Sonosuke.

"Hey Sonosuke, want to work together?" I questioned.

"I suppose so." Sonosuke answered.

I smiled as I tried to remember all the things I've learned on my adventures around the world.

"How about s'mores cookies?" I suggested.

"What are those?"

I almost gasped in shock.

He honestly doesn't know what they are.

"It's when you make chocolate chip cookies, then place one marshmallow on top of one, place it in the microwave, let it get soft, then place another cookie on top of it. They're quite delicious." I explained.

"Okay. Let's do it. What's first?"

"We need to make chocolate chip cookies. Luckily for us, I have my favorite recipe memorized." I explained.

"Then let's get to work."

I like his positive attitude. Proves that we're making progress!

Hello everyone! Sorry that I took a while to update. I've been getting stressed with updating all my stories that I've been slowing down. Sorry about that. I hope to update faster in the future, after I get over all this stress. By the way, the picture are the s'mores cookies (one of my favorites). Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Later! =^-^=

Promise (Sonosuke Izayoi X Reader) [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now