Chapter Four

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Alright! Now that Politics is over, it's time for my favorite class.


Not only will I be able to enjoy a delicious meal, but I'll be able to see both of my friends.

I was lightly skipping down the hall towards the dining hall, excitement simply radiating off of me.

When I arrived in the dining hall, I saw that Sonosuke was already there. Seiko was not.

Hope she's okay.

Well, until she arrives, I might as well sit with Sonosuke.

I headed over to Sonosuke with a smile on my face.

"Hello." I greeted as I sat down.

Sonosuke didn't respond, making me frown.

That's when I realized something.

I forgot to get my lunch.

"Excuse me while I go get my lunch." I said as I stood up.

Sonosuke nodded in understanding.

I then headed over to the line to get my lunch.

Once I had (lunch), I headed back to Sonosuke.

"Sorry about that." I apologized while sitting down next to Sonosuke once more.

"It's fine."

A response!

This made me smile.

Glad to see that we're making progress.


As we were eating our lunch, I noticed Seiko enter the dining hall.

Wonder what took her so long...?

"Seiko! Over here!" I called out.

Seiko's head instantly turned to me, and she hurried over to me.

"Could you please not yell my name across the dining hall? It attracts attention..." Seiko questioned as she sat down next to me.

"Oops. Sorry." I apologized.

We then continued to eat our lunch.

... In this awkward silence...

... Which I need to break!

"So... How's everyone's first day of school so far?" I questioned.

"It's going along fairly okay." Seiko answered.

"Fair enough. And what about you, Sonosuke?"

Sonosuke sighed before answering.

"Just another school year. Nothing special about it."

"Aw, come on! Every new school year has the potential to be special! You just have to search for it." I explained.

Sonosuke didn't respond.

... He must be suffering even worse than I thought...

... Poor guy...

Come on (y/n)... Think!

"Hey! I have a great idea! Why don't we go swimming after school ends today? The pool will soon be taken by the swim club, so we have to take advantage of every opportunity to swim while we still have the chance." I suggested.

Who doesn't love to swim?

"Sure. Sounds fun." Seiko responded.

One down, one more to go.

"And you Sonosuke?"

Sonosuke was silent for a moment before responding.

"I already have homework from my Blacksmithing class..."


"... But I guess I can afford to swim for an hour or two..."

"Yay! Thank you so much Sonosuke! I promise you won't regret it!" I thanked while giving Sonosuke a hug.

Sonosuke seemed a bit taken back by the hug.

I then realized what I was doing, and pulled away.

"Sorry. Sometimes excitement takes over my body, hehe..."

Sonosuke then looked at his phone, and frowned.

"What?" Seiko questioned.

"Next class starts in ten minutes." Sonosuke explained.

Aw man!

"Well, seems like this is where we split up... Unless... Sonosuke... What's your next class?"

"Math." Sonosuke answered.

My eyes lit up.

"Perfect! I have that too! We can head there together!" I exclaimed.

"I guess."

Seiko seemed a bit sad.

"I'm sorry Seiko. But remember that we're going to go swimming together after school. Maybe around... Does five sound good?"

Seiko nodded.

"Sure. See you there." Seiko said before standing up and walking away.

I then turned my attention to Sonosuke.

"You ready to go?"


I nodded.

"Great! Then let's go!"

(y/n) then grabbed my hand and led me out of the dining hall.

She then stopped.

"Something wrong?" I questioned.

"... Do you know how to get there?"

"Yeah. Let me lead."

I then began to lead (y/n) to math.

While walking in silence, my mind was debating with itself.

Perhaps I can let (y/n) hang around me. It does no harm. Plus, there's no good reason to be harsh to her when all she wants to do is help me.

... But that still doesn't change the fact that I can't let her get close to me...

... I can't let anyone get close to me...

... No matter what...

Hope you're still enjoying the story. Later! =^-^=

Promise (Sonosuke Izayoi X Reader) [Abandoned - Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now