Chapter 1

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Gather around, friends, as I tell the tale of a time long ago when Equestria knew not of love and tolerance, and gave way to hatred. On second thought, why bore you with the tale we all know so well; the one of the first Hearth’s Warming. Instead, I will tell you the story of yet a few years back before the first Hearth’s Warming. This is a tale of duty, companionship, abandonment, and misery. More importantly, though, this is a story about family and how it can be found in the strangest places.

This story begins in Canterlot in the midst of the longest lasting snowstorm that Equestria has known. So long and heavy that snowstorm was that not even the strength of Celestia’s sun could shed a ray through to bring warmth to the ponies and pegasi of Equestria. This worried Princess Celestia for if she could not find a way to disperse the storm her loyal subjects would not last through the end of a fortnight.

“Tia, I wish you wouldn’t make yourself like this. It worries me to see you so disheveled.”

“Luna, I have already told you. The storm has brought my subjects to famine. Not only that, I see families in shambles; too preoccupied to give time to each other. This land is falling into disarray and shall continue to do so unless I find a solution!”

“They’re my subjects as well, sister. I assist in ruling this land as well, sister,” Remarked Luna.

“Is that all you take away from what I am saying?! Our land is in chaos!” Celestia let out a frustrated sigh. “I must go and seek for a solution. In the meantime, try to think of others and console those with less means. Not everything is about you.”

Celestia took leave of Luna, having her to remain in a slew of aggravation and disdain towards her older sister. Luna may be the younger sister, but that does not call for a complete lack of recognition as being an equal to her sister. What reason had she to stay in a place in which she couldn’t even hope to see a shred of respect from her own sister? Luna made up her mind. She decided to leave Canterlot. To where, exactly? She did not know. All she knew was that this was not the place for her to stay. First thing in the morning she would set off for the Everfree forest. There she would not have to suffer from such indignities.

In the Royal Library, books were being lifted from the shelves and flung into organized piles on a desk. Celestia had been searching for any relevant information since she left Luna. Hours later and still nothing. Determined to find something – anything – she dusted off an old scroll with only the title The Elders embellished across the top. Never hearing of “The Elders” before, Celestia opened up the scroll and began reading.

Far from light you shall find
A secret spot lost in time
Deep within a forest marsh
Riddled with danger, fierce and harsh
Here you will find three elders wise
And they will reveal the answer in disguise

Celestia called for one of her older council ponies and asked him his thoughts on the scroll’s description.

“Ah yes, the Elders. Legend tells of three mythical creatures that reside deep within the forbidden forest. It was said that these three elders were wise beyond belief and capable of solving any problem brought before them. My memory is not the sharpest anymore, but from this scroll, the most I can deduce is that whom you seek rest in the darkest corner of the Everfree Forest.”

“Thank you, sir; that will do.”

Could this be a possible way to save her sovereignty? What other options did she have? Even if the Elders were just a legend, it was more than what she had to go on before. Time was of the essence. She grabbed her saddlebag, gathered her guards and instructed them to be especially watchful in her absence, and set off towards the Everfree Forest.

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