Chapter 4:Luna's Story

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"All my life she has been treating me like such a child! I'm not anymore. I hold every responsibility that she does yet I am the one who remains in her shadow!"

Luna trudged through the forest, venting her mind in every which way. Luna was resentful of her sister. Raising the sun each day, many ponies became acquainted to Celestia, while she was to raise the moon each night. As you can imagine, the night can be quite lonely for a princess. Her subjects slept and she was alone with her thoughts and her beautiful night. I guess more than anything, Luna was lonely. She always had been. Most of the time her loneliness took the form of frustration and often that frustration redirected to her sister.

Luna calmed down a bit in the hours that she trotted on. The crisp air flowing through her coat and mane always had a soothing effect on her.

"Maybe Celestia has a point. Maybe I was being a tad indignant. Oh but how I would hate to confess that to her! In fact, I shouldn't! At least not until she first apologizes to me!"

She came across a frozen marsh. It was smooth as glass and slick as soap. Luna thought an ice skating session could take her mind off of things for little while. Luna started off easily onto the ice, first making sure that it was solid enough for her. She glided easily off to the center. The storm calmed and the moon broke through the clouds and casting a spotlight upon the princess. Trees jutted out through the ice and Luna skillfully and elegantly navigated around them. Luna lost herself in her dance across the icy stage. The breeze through her mane, the eerie calm of the storm, the peeking moon; they all allowed for Luna to feel truly content.

Luna's trance was broken at the sound of a distinct cracking. She thought it best to fly off of the marsh and carry on to wherever it was she was going. It had been a while since Luna had the chance to relax like that. She felt almost guilty about it because of the ponies still fighting through the storm in Canterlot. Still, she valued the wisdom that a pony should enjoy life when a pony can. Sadly, that couldn't keep some guilt from seeping through.

"Why won't this snow storm die down!?!" she screamed to the clouds. Quietly and to herself, "Why isn't there anything I can do to help? Why am I not with Tia helping her? Celestia! I must go back to help her!"

With that, Luna took off back the way she came, or so she thought. She had become disoriented while lost in her thoughts and dance. Nevertheless, she took off in blind distress to go find her sister. Wrong or right, she must help Celestia for the sake of her subjects. The storm picked up again and Luna lost all visuals.

"Confound this storm it drives me to misplacement!"

She galloped on in blindness for close to an hour in what must be the direction of the capitol. She couldn't dare fly lest the winds would carry her far off course. She burst forth through a jumble of bushes believing that there would be a clearing and perhaps shelter on the other side. Sitting on the other side sat a large figure caught in Luna's trajectory. Crash!

"Who are you? Or more so, what are you?"

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