Chapter 16:Celestia And Discord(I've Been Waiting For This Moment)

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Sombra felt it was his sworn duty to find Celestia again. Not just so he can tell her the import thing that the Elders told him, but also so he can bring her back to Discord, whom he now considered a friend. He knew that she wouldn’t have been traveling fast in the storm, yet he ran briskly so that he might catch up to her at a sooner rate. The early sun helped him see a tad bit better through the bleary snow and this fact helped him from pulling a Discord and crashing into a tree.

“I really have no idea where I am right now! This is ludicrous; I’m turning back.”

Sombra continued rushing through the forest. For a moment he thought that he had caught a trace of a track in the snow but it turned out to be just a few bunny prints. No hope was lost, though, and Sombra kept looking. Midway through an hour, he spotted a squirrel, and not expecting to find much else, he decided to chase it.

“Soarin, why would Sombra, a king, chase after a squirrel? That makes no sense.”

“Have you ever felt the exhilaration of chasing a squirrel before? It’s one of the most thrilling things in life!”

“Soarin, you’re such a dork.”

“Ah’ve chased a squirrel before, and ah have ta agree with ya.”

“See, I told you so. Now in all honesty, I don’t know if Sombra chased a squirrel or not, but it helps to explain the next part of the story that I’m about to tell.”

“You’re still a dork.”

“But a handsome dork!”

Sombra followed the squirrel, weaving between trees and over a frozen stream. Eventually the squirrel grew tired and fled up a tree and silently cursed Sombra for his trouble. He sat on the protruding roots and stared up the tree.

“What are you staring at?”

“Oh, just a squirrel. I became a bit distracted while I was looking for somepony.”

“Who might that be?”

“A princess named Celestia.”

“You sure are an absent minded one, Sombra. Turn around!”

“Celestia?! I’ve been looking for you!”

Celestia just sat and shook her head. “I grew lost and decided to turn around in hopes of finding you again or somepony else. I haven’t a clue how to get out of here.”

Sombra smiled at the humor of moment and told Celestia to follow him back to the clearing. They trotted for a few minutes and then Sombra remembered why he was searching for Celestia in the first place. “Discord is looking for you!”

“What? He is?”

“Yes, and I also have something important to tell you about this unnatural storm. The Elders gave me word on how to pacify it.”

“Where is Discord now? No, wait, what did the Elders say? Dear me, I need to get my priorities straight.”

Sombra chuckled to himself, “Wow, you two should get along well.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come, follow me. I am to meet Discord back at the clearing where we last parted.”

As they trotted on, Sombra talked extensively on his encounter with the Elders and the knowledge that he received. “I’ve been trying to make sense of the last foreboding words that they echoed to me. They mentioned your name previously so I thought that you might be able to help.”

Just as the home has become distressed
And the blood bonds we share are pressed
The winds of rage will grow with might
If not peace can spread by tomorrow’s eve night
When family grows from roots so distant
The storm will cease to be existent

“That was the last thing that they told me. When they mentioned your name, it was something about disharmony among siblings. Is it possible that there is a relation with that and the storm?”

Celestia grew excited. “I think I know what it means! Come on, let’s hurry back to the clearing in case Discord is already there. Then we need to find my sister. The fate of our land depends on it.”

“Dear Celestia, what are you going on about?” Celestia didn’t answer. She ran off ahead and he had no other choice but to follow swiftly. Near a half hour later and they emerged into the clearing and were relieved yet slightly apprehensive to find that no other pony had arrived in the meantime. “Well, we’re here now. I do hope that Discord returns soon.”

“My eyes deceive me! It looks as if he is already here. Look, off in the distance! Who is that other pony with him? Could it be?”

Before The FirstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora