Chapter 3:Discord's Story

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Now let me stray off for a moment to tell you a little bit about the balance of Equestria. It has been philosophized for centuries that good cannot exist without evil, right without wrong, harmony without chaos. You all my very well know about an infamous spirit, a commonly criticized draconequus named Discord. Interestingly, not always was he an agent of dissonance.

Ponies feared Discord. Everywhere he roamed, disaster and chaos followed, driving many to shun his existence. He floated for hundreds of miles and for hundreds of years, alone and growing increasingly disheartened. Why do I exist? What is my purpose? Why am I here if nopony even has the heart to simply say hello. Discord, being cast aside by society, grew to become the mischievous creature that we today know him as. If only one pony could show him a bit of compassion.

Here his story begins, wondering aimlessly through the Everfree Forest where he knew his shadow could reign freely. This was his domain. The creatures and beasts of the forest respected him, though they didn't befriend him, nopony screamed in fright at his sight because no pony would dare enter the forest, and within it he created his own world tailored to his being.

Now back to our story.

Discord could care less about the storm. He had always been cold. He could care less about the wind. He had always welcomed its erratic nature. Discord wandered directionless, eager to happen upon some creature with which to toil. Only now, most creatures were hidden away, crouching in their homes safe from the storm. Here and there Discord would see a set of eyes peering out from under a rotted tree. Even though these were beasts, they still had families to find comfort in, and the sight of that disheartened the Spirit. He floated past, tree by tree.

Walking along one night, he caught glimpse of something moving through the trees off in the way. Curious as always, especially at the prospect of entertainment, he furtively etched closer to the something. The winds roared overhead. Closer he drew, narrowly being able to make out the shape of the something. He came within a ten pony distance of it and realized what it was he had been following. He took cover behind some bushes, and waited for a minute to see what it was going to do. Discord mistakenly stepped on a twig. It made a small sound but sharp enough to pierce the howling wind.

A powerful voice cut through the air, “Who treads upon this path?!”

Discord emerged from behind the bush, partly shadowed by the flurry of snow flying past.

The voice spoke again, this time softer, "Wh-who are you?"

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