Chapter 6:Celestia And Discord

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Now that we are through with introductions, I bet you are all still wondering whatever happened to our dear Celestia. Well hang on to your trousers you trouser-wearing ponies; I'm getting to it! Sheesh. Ponies these days. Back when I was a filly we had to wait two hours in a line for the Sunday comics! Oh right, back to the story.

Well, Celestia found herself cornered in a ditch. The shadowy figure emerged and Celestia did her best to keep her composure.

"My, what a curious creature you are. Pray tell, what are you doing in this place? You hardly seem fit to be one wandering about."

Celestia's fear swept away at this jest and indignation took its place. She stood up, though only reached about half the height of the creature, and spoke sternly. "I beg your pardon? I am Princess Celestia of Canterlot, and I can handle myself just fine in these dreaded woods." Celestia's steady stance would have held longer were it not for her curiosity. "Who are you? And what exactly are you, for that matter? I've never seen a thing like you before."

"Discord, at your service, milady. I am a draconequus, great and powerful! I myself am the great spirit of chaos. If I may say, princess, you scarcely seem to play your part. Should not a princess pony be tuckered up in her cozy castle?"

Our princess was much too intrigued to take any offense, and if you ask me, I think she enjoyed the idea of an exchange of wits. She put her head back on and responded, "Spirit of chaos? There is hardly a twig out of place in this vicinity. Should I have been asked, I may have called you Accord instead of Discord."

Discord grinned wide, "Ah, finally, a tongue as quick as my own. Now tell me, what are you doing in my domain? It really isn't a family funland, though I've never been one to turn a traveler away." He circled Celestia, paying her a mischievous glance and prodding at her crown. Discord found Celestia as exotic as she found him. He couldn't pass up an opportunity to have some fun.

"Do you mind? I'm not an exhibit to nudge at." Her interest then took a turn, "You say you are a draconequus? How come I've never seen another before in my life? Surely there must be others!"

Discord's grin vanished. "I am the only one left. There used to be many of us in years far gone past, but now it is just I who roams these woods." The storm feigned a moment of reprieve.

Celestia reciprocated a furrowed brow. Though a jester, she sympathized with the lonely spirit. She advanced towards him and sat beside him. "Discord, I am sorry for your situation. It is a great loss to be without anypony." She looked up into his eyes and saw not a chaotic monster, but a creature lost in sorrow. "What am I doing?" she mumbled to herself. "Discord, I so hope we cross paths again in the near future, but right now I have matters to tend to! I really must be off."

She shouldn't have indulged her whim like that while the storm remained. The Elders were out there somewhere and she must find them. Now you may be asking, why didn't she just ask Discord where they were? Well you see, Celestia may be a princess, but she is still a pony like the rest of us. She was still subject to her own heart and at that moment, she couldn't bear to tease it any more.

Discord remained still, perplexed at her sudden departure. Inaudibly, "Farewell, Celestia."

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