Chapter 15:Discord And Luna

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When Luna awoke, a warm glow met her opening eyes. The woodland animals still gathered around her but they were much less apprehensive now that the storm had settled down. Luna looked out towards the cave opening but her eyes had not yet adjusted. She stirred from where she rested and the mice scurried off of her.

She rose up and walked to the edge of the cave. The sun was just barely creeping through cracks on the horizon but at least the storm was no longer violent. She walked out of the cave along with a few followers. “It’s okay, friends. The worst of the storm has passed. You may come out safely now.” After the majority of the animals left, Luna, too, left the cave and began to walk once again.

Meanwhile, Discord rushed through the trees desperately hoping to find Celestia. He didn’t quite know why he was so excited to see her, nor did he know what he would say if he did find her. He drifted into a daydream while he flew along, imagining a mild spring day on the top of a hill. On that hill sat two figures leaning in close to each other. Discord closed his eyes, completely dissolved in his daydream. Then suddenly, “Oomph!” Discord had crashed right into a tree and fell into a snow drift.

A loud chuckle came from next to him. “My, what a skilled flyer we have here. I almost believe that you deserved that!” Luna stood there proudly as she watched Discord dig himself out of the snow. He gave himself a good shaking and stood tall, if not rather embarrassed.

“Luna! I can’t believe that you are here! You’re alright!”

“Yes, I am fine. Discord, I have something I want to tell you. I-”

“As do I, and if you don’t mind, I would like to speak first. Luna, I am so sorry. I acted like a monster and my actions were uncalled for. I just felt hurt when I you mentioned ‘family’ like that. I should have explained myself earlier and maybe this whole thing mess might not have happened. I’m sorry.”

“I was going to say that I am sorry as well. I didn’t mean what I said and I know how hurtful it was.”



“Do you really expect us to believe that they just made up that easily?”

“Yeah, Soarin, when I have an argument with you that usually lasts a few days.”

“…That’s because you always think you’re right…”

“What was that, Soarin?!”

“Uh, nothing, Dash! I love you!”

“That’s what I thought you said. Now keep telling your story.”

After exchanging their apologies, a short tale from each of them of how they got to this point, and I presume other friendly banter, the two agreed to walk together back to the clearing where Discord discovered the two tracks.

“Luna, may I confide something in you?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I don’t really know how to say this, but when I met your sister, I felt something. I don’t really know what it was. It was like this warmth despite all the snow.”

“It must have been her hot temper that you were feeling.”

“Oh well aren’t you quite the jester now, aren’t you?”

“You know it!”

“I know you still have a slight rancor against her, but I know not who else to tell.”

“You really are a strange creature, Discord. I am glad to have met you, even if the first impression was downright awful. As for Celestia, she can be a little…”

“A little what?”

Luna thought for a second. It was true that she still had a small resentment of her sister, but she decided to ignore this fact. “Uh, nothing. Regardless of how I feel about her right now, she really is a kind and caring pony. Your feelings for her make sense.”

“I just feel so bottom up right now. It’s confusing to me and strange and foreign and it doesn’t make sense and it’s oh so wonderful! “

Luna couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness. “Is it possible that Discord has been discorded?”

Discord stopped in his tracks and stared ahead. “I guess so.”

“What is the matter? Why have you stopped?” Luna then turned away from him to see what he was staring at. She stood aghast for a moment and then took off in full gallop. “TIA!”

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