The Floor

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Thomas' face hurt. Why does it hurt? Oh yeah..
Thomas had passed out. Forgetting to eat or drink really messes with you.
"Why we always have to make everything about us?! Fuck fuck fuck."
Virgil is not helping.
"Hey Talyn can you back the chair up? I'm gonna put him on his side so he can breathe in case he vomits or something" Joan was always so calm, their emotions always seemed to slip away in times of stress.
"Don't bother, I'm up. Hold on a second." Thomas sat himself up against the sofa, his vision blurring.
"Logan! Logan! FUCK. I can't see very good. Help." Virgil is very much the opposite of Joan.
"What's wrong with Virgil?" Thomas was instantly throwing his own problems to the side... again
"I don't really know kiddo but we're just gonna focus on you right now."
"It is possible that Virgil is taking some of Thomas' sufferings from him without knowing." Logan sat with his arms around a shaking Virgil.
"Damnit Virgil. Stop it" Thomas is so easily frustrated.
"Whoa, it's gone." Thomas whispered and stood.
Virgil had sunk back into his room.
"Are you ok Thomas?" Talyn had tears running down their cheeks again.

Virgil Suffering Where stories live. Discover now