Kit Harington

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Kit Harington cheating

I was sitting at home waiting for Kit to get home. He was coming home later and later everyday, but when I questioned him about it he just stated "Can't a guy go out with his friends?" and I would drop it. Now it was 11:00 at night and I was getting worried. I decided to go on twitter and see what was happening with my friends. As soon as I logged in, I had over a hundred tweets that people sent me with a news article. I got curious so I opened it and saw Kit with some blonde, tall, and pretty girl. I tried not to jump to conclusions as I started to read the article. The article said Kit was out with this girl named Stephanie at late hours of the night. "That's where he's been" I thought to myself. I shut my laptop and waited for him to come home.

At 12:30 he finally walked through the door an I said to him "Where have you been" "Out" he grunted. I opened my laptop to the news article and gave it to him. "Well look at this, care to explain Kit." I replied. Kit took my laptop and as he read it, his eyes got bigger and bigger. "This is totally false, just another tabloid trying to sell stories!" he exclaimed. "You've been out almost every night since you've been back! How do I know your not cheating on me with this woman?" I shouted. "She's new to the cast and the town so the producer wanted me to show her around town!" he shouted back. "At 11:00 at night? Yeah right I'm not stupid!" I screamed at him. "Are you sure about that Paige? If you read the stupid article, it says that she's my new costar!" Kit yelled. I looked back at the screen and saw that Kit was right. "Whatever I don't have to explain myself to someone who won't believe me!" Kit snapped. Then he did something I never in a million years thought he would do. He walked out.

*Kits point of view*

"Man, why does she have to be so hard on me all the time? I love her it's just she gets annoying when she constantly asks me where I'm at." Once I cooled off enough, I went back to our apartment.

*Paige's point of view*

I was so worried that Kit decided that I was too clingy, so when he walked through the door I was relieved. "Hey I'm sorry about yelling at you, it's just that there's so many rumors surrounding me, I didn't think that you would believe any." Kit spoke. "It's okay, I'm sorry that I didn't believe you when you said she's costar." I replied. "Let's forget about this and go to bed, it's late" Kit said. We both went to bed in each other's embrace.

*Authors note
Hey guys let me know what you think!

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