Zac Efron

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Traveling to Hawaii with Zac Efron

I was sitting on the couch with my laptop on my lap with my feet up on the coffee table researching places Zac and I could go for vacation. It would be our 5th anniversary on July 7th, so we wanted to take a quiet vacation with just the two of us. In the past we would take our families, so this time it would be more special and private. I clicked on a link that said 'Amazing Hawaii Resort'. This beautiful resort came up, that had the ocean right next to it.

"Hey babe, what do you think of going to Hawaii for our trip?" I yelled to Zac.

"As long as it is tropical, I'm fine with it." He shouted back.

"Okay I'll book the tickets and a hotel room." I replied.

One week later

"Babe they won't let us take all of this on the plane!" Zac said to me, pointing to all the suitcases.

"What do you mean, I don't have that much suitcases." I said.

"You have five times as many as I do, and I'm a heavy packer." Zac laughed.

"Yeah well we're going for a week, that's a long time!" I exclaimed. Zac just laughed as he started to bring all the bags to the car.

One day later

When we landed in Hawaii, it was more beautiful than the pictures showed. The ocean was a nice light blue and the sand was very light, close to white. The people at the hotel were super nice and welcoming. There was also no paparazzi which was a bonas.

"Babe let's go for a hike that the hotel offers to guests." Zac spoke once we got all settled into our hotel room.

"Okay, let me go get ready real quick, then we can head out." I said walking to the bathroom. I went in and shut the door and started to get ready. I put my long, blonde hair in a side braid, then put some running shorts and a tank top on.

"Okay I'm ready" I said to Zac as I put my tennis shoes on. We walked to the lobby where a bunch of other guests were waiting for the tour guide.

"Hello everyone I am Rob, and I will be your tour guide now let's get started!" The tall and tanned guy said to the group. We walked in silence to the volcano where there was a little path going around it then it took us down to the other side of the island. The tour guide would show us points of interest and we would take pictures.

"This is so pretty" Zac sighed. I nodded in agreement. When the tour was over Zac an I went to get ice cream at one of the little bicycle's that traveled around the island selling ice cream. We went and sat on a bench that overlooked all of the beach. Zac had his arm around me and said,

"This is the best anniversary we have had!"

"Yes it is, even though all of them are pretty fantastic." I replied. Zac just nodded in agreement and we watched the sunset together.

*Authors note

So I don't know if I should continue with these because I haven't got a lot of good reviews? Let me know down below so I can keep going! Hope you liked this one! It was kind of rushed. Don't be afraid to request one!

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