Part 1, just a little back ground

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Being josh's younger sister you get used to being around all the boys, they can be a bit much some times but you know it is what it is. I don't live in the sidemen house but I may aswell considering I'm always there, got a room and everything. Josh has always been a little over protective but once I turned 18 I kind of went wild and realised he couldn't do much about it so he's more chill now.
It was a Friday and I had just finished my shift at costa because you know we can't all be famous YouTubers. I hoped in my mini and drove back to my brothers house as it's the norm for me to go back to theirs after work. Once I arrived and parked my car in the massive drive way I knocked on the door. Vikk swung the door opened and shouted "NICOLE YOURE BACK THANKGOD" I was completely baffled by this statement. What the hell happened in the few hours I was gone. "Good to see you too vikk" we walked through to the living room together and surprisingly no one was in here. "Where is everyone?" I questioned. "Kitchen!" A voice shouted. We strolled in to find Josh, Freya, Simon, JJ, Ethan and Emily. When I walked in Freya squealed and I jumped on her and gave her the tightest hug, I did the same to Emily. After that was done I ran to josh slapped his head and kissed his cheek. "You alright mate" I asked him as he held his head. "Yeah I was until you got here" he said. "Yeah yeah you love me" I stuck my tongue out and picked up a plate. "Ofcourse" Freya awed at the statement and said "you guys are actually sibling goals." You see me and josh have always been close as we kind of didn't have anyone else to support us when we were growing up. It's always been us against the world and nothing has changed and I don't want anything to. Everyone was sharing Nando's so I sat next to Jj and took a piece of chicken off his plate and started yamming it down and when I say I can eat. I can eat. When Jide looked back down at his plate he shouted, "nah nicole what the fuck" I literally just laughed I knew it would piss him off but what can you do, your girls hungry. He attempted to grab the already bitten chicken back but I started to do laps around the kitchen. Me and Jj ran around the kitchen as josh breathed "You actual children, sit down" I laughed and shouted back "you actual old man, I'm being chased" I ran behind simons chair and hid behind it and whispered "Simon help me" he laughed and shook his head. He jokingly jumped out of his chair and covered me as Jj jumped on both of us making all of us fall on the floor. Not going to lie that actually hurt but it's okay I'm a big girl lol. Simon got up first as Jj was rolling around the floor in pain and stuck his hand out for me to grab. I took it and he pulled me up but once I was up it was as if I was frozen, like time stopped, I couldn't move so I was just stood their staring into si's eyes and they were actually beautiful. I heard Freya cough and whisper something to Emily which bought me back into reality I smiled and thanked him and tried to act like nothing happened. Josh looked at me with one eyebrow raised and I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "Guys me and Freya want to play truth or dare who's in?" Emily announced over the table.
- okay lol Heyy this is like my first proper time writing and I doubt anyone's gonna read this but you know here's the first part I'm gonna keep writing now so you know never know the second part could be up in like 10 mins😂but yeah if someone is reading this hey hope you enjoyed x

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