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This happens after Season 1 in Teen Wolf and after the Blood of Olympus (how we want it to play out) just so there's no confusion.

AN: Hey everyone, this is a new story I am co-writing with @percyjackson1315, it is also on her profile. It was originally hers but I came up with the whole plot line and stuff so I was 'promoted' in a way. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story. (Oh and if you look between both copies mine will most likely be better edited because her grammar and spelling are way worse than mine, I never said that.)


I was sitting in the back of my mom's car with my headphones in staring out the window as we drove down the highway. Leo had made me a special iPod that wouldn't attract monsters thankfully because this was going to be a long drive.

We were driving from Manhattan to California. A small town named Beacon Hills or something. Anyways it didn't matter to me I didn't want to be there. While I was away fighting Gaea my mom had married Paul. She was now Sally Blofis. Not that I don't like Paul it's just that he got a new job in the Beacon Hills place. And because my mom wanted me to come, go to school there and spend time with her that I missed out on because of demigod crap, how could I refuse. I had already worried her so much I felt like I had to say yes. So let me tell you how this happened or at least how I found it happening. It was my birthday and I was celebrating at camp with the rest of the seven who miraculously all made it back in one piece. Well as close to one piece as we could get. I decided that I should probably IM my mother since I hadn't seen her in a long time and I hadn't told I was back yet. Don't be angry with me we had gotten home literally the day before at like 3am. So anyways I IM'd her and we spoke I gave her a congrats on Paul and the she dropped a bombshell on me.

She wanted me to come to Beacon Hills with her and Paul because he got a new job there and she wanted me to come and get some kind of a proper education and spend time with her. I couldn't say no because she was so happy and I really did miss her. So I agreed. When I went and told the others they looked and sounded upset but fully understood. Afterwards I walked with Annabeth back to her cabin and told her good night and that I would stay in touch.

Anyways so now I'm sitting in the back of Paul's car driving to California without my friends.

When we finally get there I helped my mom bring in all the boxes. The house was nice, bigger than our small apartment but then again we weren't in the city anymore. I went right to bed because I was exhausted.

I had barely gotten any sleep in months. The next day was my first day of school. School had already been in session for a week so it would be a long day for me. Paul drove me to school because he was the new English teacher there.

He took me to the office and then went to go to his class that morning. Before he left he said to me

"Please don't blow up this school Percy. I know you don't ever mean too. But please it's really nice here."

"Yeah, I'll try. But no promises because trouble follows me everywhere" I responded he sighed and left.

"Mr. Jackson here is you schedule and your locker number and combo" said the woman behind the desk.

I give her a small smile and thanked her as I left. Well I'm already late for first period might as well go straight there. I had English first. When I got there the teacher asked me why I was late and I had to give a quick explanation.

She shrugged introduced me to the class. She told me to go sit on the right side of the room behind some red-head in the back. As I walked past she made a small gasping noise almost imPercyptible (bad pun made by editor), but then again I was trained to notice these things. As I sat down behind her she stiffened slightly. I leaned forward and said

"Hi, I'm Percy, I'm new here, could you tell me what page we are on"as I pulled the textbook from the little basket thing underneath my chair. She relaxed slightly.

"Page 394. And my name is Lydia. Welcome" and she quickly turned around to copy notes on the board.
I looks up to try and read what was on the board but as usual I had no luck. And then of course the teacher calls on me.

"Mr. Jackson would you mind reading the quote for the class and explain it's meaning" I concentrated on the board trying not to look like a complete idiot on my first day.

"Um sorry ma'am I can't read it. I uh, have dyslexia so the letters are like fish swimming around on the blackboard right now" I say sheepishly

"Well then in that case it says..." I never heard what she said I just kinda zoned out for a minute but that minute was the rest of the class. When the bell rang I headed to my next class. Economics, great because I would definitely be needing that with the life I lead.

When I got there most people were already there. There was a seat between to guys who were talking to one another. The guy on the left was kinda skinny and tallish. He was talking very dramatically to his friend. His friend was taller and more built but not like buff probably an athlete football (soccer) or something.

I started to walk to the seat until I heard "Who the hell are you?!"

Threat Assessment (Percy Jackson/Teen Wolf) ON HIATUSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant