**✿❀Chapter Two: Thick Meif'wa Shampoo ❀✿**

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Two chapters in one day whoop whoop

♬♩♪♩ ♬♩♪♩

Zane's P.O.V

Kawaii~Chan. Out of all people. Or, mief'was, in this case.

The first thing Lucinda told me when I became a mief'wa was to talk to Kawaii~Chan.

Flashback- Zane's P.O.V

"Well, it's obvious you need to talk to Kawaii~Chan." Lucinda remarked, still giggling at my new form. I feel humiliated. So humiliated that I don't even notice that my heart skips a beat when she says the mief'was name.

"Why?" I groan.

"Because Kawaii~Chan is a mief'wa and there might be things you don't know about your-" Lucinda pauses to clear her throat. "New body. She'll help."

"Still! This form is--" I cut myself off to let out a loud groan. Lucinda raises an eyebrow.

"Well, whose fault is it?" Lucinda pesters. I lower my head in shame and don't respond. "It'll take about 8 days for me to find a reverse potion."

"8 days?!" I whine.

End of flashback

"Well, are you going to help me or not?" I ask Kawaii~Chan, wishing I could wipe that smirk off of her face.

"Heehee." She giggled, eyeing my black ears and my black tail.

"Hey! This isn't funny, you know! This wasn't even my choice!" I snap. Kawaii~Chan jumps a bit, startled.

"I forgot how temperamental Zane~Kun could be...." Kawaii~Chan mumbles, brushing a strand of pink hair out of her eye. "But, Zane~Kun is right. I'm here for a reason, and that reason is to teach Zane~Kun how to properly be a mief'wa!" Kawaii~Chan replies in her annoyingly peppy voice.

"What's there to learn? Fish eating? How to take a bath without screaming?" I ask, crossing my arms. Kawaii~Chan looks offended.

"You really shouldn't stereotype like that, Zane~Kun. It's mean. Not all mief'was like fish, I only do due to my personal taste, and I looove water! Mief'wa aren't cats!" She tells me, looking straight into my eyes. I want to spit out another comeback, but I can see that she's hurt. I sigh.

"Sorry. That was pretty rude. I'm still new to this, talking, to..... people thing." I mumble. Kawaii~Chan's eyes brighten.

"It's perfectly fine! And I'm glad you brought up baths, because that's a point I'm gonna have to make to you, Zane~Kun!" I take in her words, once again reminded that she doesn't talk in the third person anymore, but still uses Japanese suffixes for literally everyone. "See, Zane~Kun's ears and tail need their own attention, sort of like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. There's certain shampoo for your ears and tail, and hmmm....." Kawaii~Chan steps behind me, examining my tail. I want to shout in protest, but I know it's for a reason.

Kawaii~Chan//Nana's P.O.V

I look up and down Zane~Kun's tail, trying to figure out what shampoo I should get for him. "Well," I say, walking in front of Zane~Kun again. "Your ears and tail are furrier then most mief'was, so you'll need a thick mief'wa shampoo." I inform him. Zane nods.

"I was actually going to take a shower today, still am, actually, so that could be useful." Zane replies. "Where should we get them?"

"They have really good Mief'wa shampoo at Bath & Body Works!" I tell him. "Come on, I'll drive!"

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