affection for each other

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Jungkook lay in Taehyung's lap. He was still tired from before, so he dozed off a little before class started. Taehyung ran his hands through his silky hair. They would have to have a bath soon.


A voice chirruped behind Taehyung. Hoseok came into view, wearing his signature SnapBack.

"Hey, Hoseok." Taehyung's eyes didn't move. "He is cute, although his hair got smoky from the barbecue last night."

Hoseok sat beside Taehyung, chuckling to himself.

"I was talking about you, but Jungkook sure is cute as well."


"So.. wanna go on a date sometime?"

Taehyung absentmindedly massaged Jungkook's arms.


"Right." Hoseok huffed, sauntering off. Jimin slid up to them a few minutes later.

He was secretive, Jimin. He looked like he was the personification of the sun, but the way his eyes changed so quickly to anger, or turned so quickly to Jungkook, told Taehyung otherwise.

"Why don't you give Hoseok a chance, Taehyung? He's not... that bad." Jimin booped Jungkook's noise in amusement. Taehyung found it far from funny.

"I'm not interested in dating anyone. I'm not even that into guys." Taehyung tore his gaze from Jungkook to look at Jimin. "I'm just not ready for that sort of relationship yet."

Jimin looked skeptical.

"Yeah, and what you have with Jungkook isn't like that?"

Jungkook mumbled in his sleep, but Taehyung was quick to soothe him.

"My point proven. Anyway," Jimin continued. "Hoseok's gonna be dating other people if you aren't taking him. I would take him if I were you."

Taehyung was mildly annoyed now.

"Ok, 1: if Hoseok's gonna date other people anyway then I wouldn't want to have him, and 2: I know damn well you like Jungkook."

"And that bothers you because?"

"It doesn't.. bother me- I just- don't make up lies next time."

"Jimin! Let's go." Hoseok shouted. He gave Taehyung an annoyed, yet embarrassed look, and strode out of the classroom.

Jungkook began waking up, and Taehyung patted him softly.

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