a spanner in the works

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Jungkook took his position on the batting line. Hoseok took a deep breath and leant back, hooking his arm. Then he flung the ball towards Jungkook with the force of a ten ton truck.

It narrowly missed Jungkook, who wasn't hit only because he realised the ball was travelling a little too straight. Hoseok always threw curvy. His tone was a little sing song.

"Oops! Sorry, Jungkook- didn't mean to hit you there!"

Jungkook gave Hoseok a half-hearted smile, until Taehyung started guffawing in the distance.

Why was he laughing? Why was he laughing without him? What was funny? Jungkook wanted to know too. His lips tightened.

"Jungkook, watch out!"

The ball, sh-

Jungkook had forgotten to dodge the assassination. Just under his ribcage, pain started throbbing. It was thankfully padded with muscle but still damn hurt.

Unluckily, his best friend spotted the commotion and ran over.

"What's going on here? Why is Jungkook hurt?" Taehyung's resonating voice boomed across the pitch. "Who the fuck did this?"

Hoseok walked over exasperatedly.

"It was an accident, fucks sake. I didn't throw even that hard."

"Watch it, you fucking skank. I saw you nearly hit him from across the field, so don't try and lie."

Hoseok held two hands up in surrender. His tactics to rile Taehyung up were obviously working, since he chose the best method to do so: by Jungkook.

Taehyung brought two hands up to Jungkook's torso, kneading gently until he found the spot that elicited a wince. He frowned, slipping his hand under Jungkook's shirt.

Jungkook shuffled. Taehyung's hand was cold.

His fingers felt around the bruised area, until Jungkook reacted again to the intrusion.

"I think it'll be ok. It's just a bruise." Taehyung's hand smoothed over his stomach before returning back to his side. "But that doesn't mean you aren't fucked if you do that again, Hoseok."

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