valentine's day

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"Happy Valentine's Day, Jungkook."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Taehyung."

Jimin and Hoseok gave the pair their respective gifts. Jungkook was surprised.

"Wow.. you really didn't-"

Taehyung plucked the box out of Jungkook's hands.

"Yeah, you really didn't. Too much chocolate makes you sick, so no."

Jungkook started whining, but shut up quickly when Hoseok gave him a look. Jimin's eyes darkened for a millisecond, then returned to their brightness.

"Just let him have it once. Stop being overprotective."

Hoseok looped an arm around Jimin. The older had been eying Taehyung ever since the encounter on the field, and was wondering whether they were on good terms now.

"So.." he began. Taehyung put the chocolates in his bag.

"Yes. You're forgiven. Just don't do that again."

Hoseok smiled.

"You're the best. Wanna date?"

Taehyung zipped his bag up.


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