☆Greetings ☆

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"So this is the school, huh?"

Rantarou murmured to himself as he saw the big college campus. It was a large building with separate other ones crowding around it, most likely for other divisions and majors. He walked into the main building, luggage on his back. He packed a bare minimum such as clothing and school books. He could just purchase everything else from the nearby convenience store. He looked down at a piece of paper that had labeled where his dorm would be, his name, and another name, most likely going to be his roommate's.

Dorm B71
Rantarou Amami
Shuuichi Saihara

Well, this was someone new, Rantarou supposed that he came from another school. When he finally managed to find his dorm, he began to unpack. It wasn't anything really, just a bare minimum of a simple living room connected to a small kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. Rantarou tried to look around for his roommate but reached the conclusion that he wasn't here at the moment. He sighed to himself as he unpacked the rest of his luggage. He always hated dealing with luggage which is why he always tried to pack as little as he could. When he emerged out of the bedroom, he frowned. It's been 15 minutes and his roommate still isn't here. He walked out of the dorm to look around but saw no one. It was odd, almost everyone was with their roommates so where was Rantarou's? Rantarou walked out of the dorm area absolutely baffled as he decided that maybe he should try looking for him.

After a few searching, he finally came across a sight of a boy. He found him in the courtyard, sitting in front a tree, looking really distressed and tired. He had a bag around his shoulder and holding another bag in his hands, both of them most likely holding luggage. Rantarou could only imagine the state of that boy's shoulder at the moment. "Hey, do you need help?" Rantarou asked and the boy jumped. He then looked away. "Yeah..." he replied sheepishly and Rantarou helped him up. "I can carry one of those bags for you." He offered when the boy seemed to have struggled with getting up. The boy reluctantly gave a bag to Rantarou. "T-thank you..." He said softly as he placed the bag into Rantarou's hands. "It's no problem, now where are you heading?" He asked. "The dorm rooms..." the boy replied, still not making eye contact. Rantarou also seemed to notice that the boy wore a cap over his head, covering his left eye. He must be a really timid one. "What dorm are you looking for?" Rantarou asked as he noticed the boy was also holding a piece of paper. "Oh um.. B71." The boy replied and Rantarou let out a sigh of relief. "What do you know, you just so happen to be my roommate." Rantarou said with a laugh. "I was worried where you were." He added and the boy looked even more sheepish. "It's fine, it happens to all of us. Look, it's the dorm. I'll help you unpack." Rantarou offered after the boy remained silent. "I-I would like that..." the boy replied and the two just did that.

Rantarou couldn't help but get annoyed with all the luggage this guy had. He really wanted to be prepared, huh? At least he was helping Rantarou so the time could go faster. After an eternity, they were finally settled in. "We didn't introduce ourselves, did we?" Rantarou asked and the boy shook his head. "Well, I'll go first. I'm Rantarou Amami. And you?"

"S-Shuuichi Saihara..." the boy replied.

Yep, this was definitely Rantarou's roommate. "It's nice to meet you, Saihara. I hope we can get along!" Rantarou said with a smile and Shuuichi just nodded in agreement. "I-I hope so too, Amami-kun.." Shuuichi said with a small smile.
For some reason, when he smiled, Rantarou suddenly felt himself at ease. He wasn't sure why the feeling just came out of nowhere. It was as if all his troubles were being elevated. It was odd too, considering that Shuuichi looked like any other person. Just a typical guy with dark colored hair, a hat, and plain grey eyes. Maybe he's just weary from all of the unpacking that all of the smallest things are calming him down. "Hey Amami-kun, are you okay?" Rantarou turned to see Shuuichi close to him, looking rather concerned at the spaced out Rantarou. "Oh yeah I'm fine, just a little tired from everything, you feel?" Rantarou asked and Shuuichi nodded. Of course, he'd agree, he got himself lost.

"Are you majoring in anything, Saihara?" Rantarou asked, in hopes to establish some sort of understanding, and Shuuichi thought for a moment. "Yes. Um, Criminal sciences and forensics actually..."  Shuuichi replied then looking at Rantarou, expecting a reply. "That's interesting. I'm majoring in international studies, maybe I'll consider teaching as well." Rantarou replied. "I see.. I hope you can do well...!" Shuuichi said kindly, and that smile was on his face again. "I wish you luck on your studies too." Rantarou said casually. They continued to fill the room with idle chatter that went places but stopped quickly at dead ends. They simply spoke about things such as home life and other interests they share other than their majors.

The whole time they spoke, Shuuichi was always rather nervous and shy, not putting much into the conversation. But Rantarou always felt at ease just by talking to him. He was glad to have someone like Shuuichi as his roommate. "Ah, Amami-kun..." Rantarou looked to see Shuuichi looking at him again. "What is it?" Rantarou asked. "It's getting late and we have classes tomorrow. S-so try to rest up for now... okay..?" Shuuichi suggested, looking away as if showing concern was the most shameful thing in the world. "Alright then, goodnight Saihara!" Rantarou said and Shuuichi nodded.

"Goodnight, Amami-kun. Rest well..." and he had that pleasant, soft smile on his face once again.

Rantarou didn't have a hard time sleeping that night.

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