Chapter One, The End

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Alright, so author's note. This is my first attempt at a book. I wasn't going to post it until I'd completed it, but I need the motivation of knowing at least one person out there is waiting on an update or I'll never finish it. If you like it, please vote and/or comment. The first few chapters are very ineloquently written (lacking descriptive detail.) In short, they make me cringe. What's done thus far needs heavily edited, but I have no idea when that will be. I am also not on an update schedule as of 06/28/2020, but plan to finish this book before the end of the year. (lol from 8/25/2022) Hope you enjoy!

Your newbie author,


It's almost here. Just a little longer.

That thought was the only thing keeping me and every other East View High student from murdering our teacher, and then burning this death trap of a school to the ground.

The clock I've been staring at for the past hour seems to be broken because the little tickers inside of it are going abnormally slower than normal. I swear it hasn't moved in the past five minutes, proving itself a warden to us its prisoners.

I look impatiently from the clock to the teacher who's been droning on about the Junior class' summer reading list that none of them are ever going to spare a second glance at. I know this because my class never did.

Just as I think my ears are going to start bleeding from her monotoned voice, our cell door is opened by the shrill bell of release.

Our teacher yells something incoherent under the hustle of students stampeding their way to the door. Bodies and shoulders shove their way into the hallway in a giant hoard.

The last day of school and students are more than amped to retreat to the thought of summer bliss. The hallways are a little louder than normal with a buzz of excitement. Lockers slam a little harder with the promise of longer nights and sand-filled beach days. I too feel a little extra bounce in each step I take. The air of freedom almost tangible on my tongue.

I manage to squeeze my way through the swarm of students; keeping most of my limbs in tact as I go. I quicken my pace and weave my way through the crowd making it to the safety of my locker. I pull it open with a final twist and turn of its combination, grabbing a few stray papers, books, and binders and slam the rickety metal door shut leaving in it's space a ghost of the weights that have drowned me like an anchor these past four years (also known as textbooks.)

I pull my phone from my pocket to call Alice, but I spot my best friend making a bee-line for me before I can dial. Her small frame seems tiny against the group of football players she's barreling her way through, but she moves them out of her way with feisty strength.

She shoves a particularly large boy blocking her path just as she reaches me. I try to stifle the laugh rising in my throat at his appalled expression.

"Hi, can we please leave?" She asks out of breath.

I chuckle, "Lead the way, muscles." I extend my arm out in front of us as an invitation for her to carve a path for us. Which she does with the help of a few thrown elbows, and a lot of, "Excuse me, can you move your fucking ass?"

The parking lot is littered with clumps of students. All saying their heart-felt summer good bye's. I roll my eyes at a girl's tear stained cheeks as she sobs against another girl's shoulder. It's not like she won't be seeing her again in a grand total of four hours.


Alice tugs me along in a half skip, half walk over to our group of friends crowded around Alice's car. I catch in on a conversation buzzing around the group. They're discussing the party on the beach tonight. My mood instantly perks up knowing it's the annual Summer Bash at Jenkins Cove.

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