Chapter 8

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I woke up with the sunlight staring into my eyes. I groaned and rolled over not wanting to get out of bed. I groggily sat up and noticed that Mia and F/N were gone. I sighed and quickly changed into my regular outfit before heading out towards the courtyard. I sighed before I ran my hand through my hair as I scanned the courtyard looking for my teammates. My ears twitched as I heard someone running but ignored it, thinking that the person wasn't running towards me. As the footsteps got closer I was getting concerned. Right as I was about to turn around someone jumped on me from behind. I looked behind me and noticed that Yang had her arms around my neck, although she was glaring.

"H-Hey Yang."

"So going on a date with my younger sister without permission hmm?"

My eyes widened and Yang put me in a headlock.

"P-Please don't kill me."

"Well I can't kill my sisters girlfriend-that will leave her heart broken. But.." She tightened her grip on me, "you'll have to take me on a date."

"O-Okay!" I squirmed as she her grip started to loosen

She laughed before she gave me a peck on the lips,

"Good. I'll text you when I'm coming to pick you up."

She walked away and I sat there confused. What did she mean by pick me up? Does she have her own bike or something? I sighed before I started walking again. Although I didn't make it far before a white haired heiress walked up to me.

"Y/N there is someone I want you to meet."

I nodded and she took my hand secretly, making sure no one saw the gesture. She pulled me towards a more secluded part of the courtyard before she let go of my hand.

"Now Y/N you remember my older sister Winter right?"

"Yeah, the one that lost to Qrow." I smirked as Weiss rolled her eyes

"If I remember, I won that fight."

My eyes widened as I turned around, and there stood Winter in all her icy glory. She had a neutral expression on her face, so I couldn't tell if she was mad or not. She walked towards us with her hands behind her back, and stopped when she was in front of me.

"Its nice to finally meet you Y/N."

"Its nice to finally meet Weiss' older sister." I smiled looking up at her. (I'm 5'0 in real life so I'm basically looking up at almost everyone.)

"Although, I hear from my sister that you're her girlfriend."

I gulped nervously. Yang and Winter in one day!? Someone kill me please..

"Y-Yes I'm her girlfriend."

Winter's glare slightly intensifies,

"And that you're dating Ruby Rose as well."

"W-Well they agreed to share me between them." I panicked waving my hands in a defensive motion

"Yes, she did tell me that."

I could've sworn that I saw a smirk on her face before she covered it up. Winter closed the gap between us and I blushed when she put her finger on my chin,

"I hope I'll see you around Y/N."

Winter then stepped away from me and walked away, leaving me a blushing mess. I turned to Weiss with an eyebrow raised,

"What was that about?"

"I don't know." Weiss shrugged but I could tell she was lying

I flushed my body against hers and she blushed madly,

"W-What are you doing dolt?!"

"I think my heiress is being a naughty girl and lying to me~" I teased leaning down towards er neck

I could feel the heat radiating off her face as I started to kiss her neck,

"S-Stop y-you dolt!"

"Then tell me what was up with Winter."

She shook her head no and I smirked,

"Oh well, it was about time that I left a mark on you."

I bent back down towards her neck and was about to leave a hickie when she pushed me away,


I smirked and pulled away allowing space between us.

"I agreed to share you with not only Ruby, but Winter as well."

I mentally face palmed and I looked at Weiss,

"I barely know your sister!"

"I know, but I couldn't risk disappointing her or upsetting her."

I sighed and shook my head. Oum whats next? Pyrrha and the others join my little harem?

"Don't worry! I'm sure you two will get to know each other!"

"If you say so."

Weiss flashed me one of her rare smiles before dragging me in a random direction.

Timeskip to the afternoon brought to you by chibi Weiss dragging a tired chibi Y/N

Weiss eventually let me go since I told her that I had a date with Yang. Weiss had dragged me to Vale already so I told Yang that I would meet her at the cookie shop. I had been standing here at the cookie shop for almost 10 minutes and I was about to leave. Suddenly I heard a motorcycle and I turned to see a yellow one that was parked beside me. I could tell it was Yang due to the whole 'yellow' theme, and her outfit. I chuckled as I got on,

"I didn't know you had a personal bike Yang."

"There's many things that you don't know about the fabulous Yang."

I laughed before she took off and I had to hold on to her waist. While we were stopped waiting for pedestrians to walk, Yang told me she had to stop by Junior's bar. Now I've met Junior and he seemed to be a nice guy, but eh. We eventually stopped in front of the bar a few minutes later and we both hopped off.

"I'll stay with your baby~" I teased taking off my helmet

"You sure?"

"Yes I can handle myself Yang."

"Okay then. I'll only be a minute."

Yang took off into the building and I leaned against the bike. A few moments later I heard soft voices coming towards me. I looked up and noticed two girls that appeared to be twins. One was in a strapless white dress, and had black hair with green eyes. The other had on a red strapless dress with the same eyes and hair. They made eye contact with me and walked over to me,

"Well hello cutie~" The one in the white dress greeted me

"Hi." I replied shortly looking over her shoulder for Yang

"We should probably introduce ourselves. I'm Melanie Malachite, and this is my sister Miltia Malachite. And we are the Malachite twins."

"Well its a pleasure to meet you both, I'm Y/N."

"Y/N? Thats a nice name." Miltia complemented

"Heh, thanks."

Melanie started flirting with me but I ignored her until she and her sister put their hands around my neck.

"Anyway, what's a cutie like you doing out here by herself."

I tried to removed their arms from my neck, but they had a strong grip.

"Sorry but I'm currently with someone."

"Aw who could that-"


We all looked over to the sound of the voice, and there stood a very pissed off Yang. She marched herself towards us and ripped the Malachite twins off of me. They glared at Yang and she glared right back,

"You two stay away from MY girl." Yang growled as she got on her bike

The twins didn't say anything, but I could tell they were angry. I gave them one last look as I put my helmet on, and Yang took off.

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