Chapter 23

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I gulped nervously as Penny began to lean closer. She looked between my eyes and my lips as her knee pressed harder against my lower region. Right as she was about to kiss me a voice interrupted us,

"Are you really going to do it in an alleyway?"

Penny and I turned to the voice, and Qrow was standing there smirking at us. I quickly ran over to him and hid behind him,

"Whats going on kiddo?" He whispered looking at me and Penny

"I think Penny downloaded a bunch of sex tapes."

He raised an eyebrow curious,

"And why did she do that?"

"Well I explained to her what sex was and then she started downloading stuff."

Qrow smirked and rubbed my hair,

"Good job kid."

Penny suddenly took a step forward,

"Civilian please move. I was having a conversation with her."

"Well from my point of view it looked like you were doing a lot more than talking."

Penny's eyes grew a brighter green,

"Please step aside."

"I'm not stepping aside madam, this is my nieces girlfriend and I'm sure she doesn't like you that close to her girlfriend." Qrow took a step forward


"Yeah kid?"

"Ruby agreed to share me with 16 other girls.." I laughed nervously

Qrow turned to me with a serious expression,


I continued to laugh nervously as he walked towards me,

"You have a harem!?" He put his hands on my shoulders shaking me

"Please let go of my girlfriend." Penny asked stepping forward in a offensive position

"You're telling me how this happened, and who is in it." Qrow whispered

"If you get me out of here." I whispered as Penny started to walk towards us


Qrow suddenly picked me up bridal style which caused a glare to come from Penny. Suddenly Qrow started to run with Penny behind him. He must of activated his semblance as we lost Penny in no time. Although he stopped right in front of a bar. I slightly glared at him since Ruby told me about his drinking habits. He set me down before he walked into the bar. I hesitantly followed him as he sat down at a table. I sat down across from him as he ordered a drink.

"Now tell me how you got this harem of yours."

"I honestly don't know how it started." The waitress came back and sat two drinks on the table, "I just introduced myself to the girls, and I ran into another few. A few days later I was kidnapped before I was rescued by Raven."

Qrow spit out his drink with wide eyes,


I nodded nervously,

"Yeah, weird right?"

"Good job kid." Qrow gestured to the left over drink, "Go ahead and drink. You'll need it for later, trust me."

I looked at the drink cautiously. I mean I was technically under age, so I shouldn't, but what could one drink do? I slowly took the drink in my hands before I gulped it down. The alcohol burned my throat and I started coughing profusely,

"Don't worry kid. You'll get use to it." Qrow quickly gulped down his before ordering another one

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N drinking alcohol

I started to walk back to Beacon since it started to get late. I struggled to stand since I may have had more than one drink. I also may or may not be high on catnip. I struggled to keep walking as I saw a familiar Schnee walking towards me. She started to walk towards me and I tried to walk backwards, only for me to land on my butt. In a matter of seconds Winter stood in front of me, although there seem to be four of her.

"W-Why are there f-four of you?" I slurred

"Are you..drunk?" She picked me up bridal style,

"No, and I-I can w-walk by m-myself!"

Winter rolled her eyes as she set me down,

"Prove it."

I stood up before I started to walk. I turned to her and walked backwards,

"See? I c-can w-walk-" I was interrupted when I head my head on a light pole behind me

I fell to the ground clutching my head. The impact against the pole was pretty hard, as I was already falling backwards. Winter rushed over to me and quickly kneeled down to my height. She picked me up in her arms before she inspected my head,

"That's definitely going to leave a bruise." She touched my head and I hissed in pain

 She started to help me up,

"That also proves that you're too drunk to walk. And is that cat nip?" She asked as she reached for my pocket

I hissed and jumped away from her,

"NO! My catnip!" 

"Y/N..." Winter sighed frustrated as she walked towards me

I stumbled away from her trying to protect my catnip. Although I didn't know where I was going, and I ran straight into another light pole, knocking me out. 

Winter POV

I ran over to Y/N after I saw her hit the light pole again. I sighed as I realized that she was unconscious. I looked down at her before I bent down to her height. I clear her hair away from her face as I noticed a bruise forming on the bridge of her nose. I looked around before I softly kissed her nose and she shifted in her sleep. I softly picked her up before walking towards Beacon. I quickly arrived and I opened the door before Glynda and Yang ran up to me,

"What happened?" Glynda asked looking at her bruise

"She got drunk, along with being high on catnip, and she tried to walk but hit a light pole twice."

"I'm going to guess she was with Qrow." Glynda looked over at Penny, "Penny said Qrow ran off with Y/N before she could bring her back." 

"That would make sense." I walked over to the bed before softly setting her down

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed an ice pack. I walked back to the bed before I softly placed the ice pack on her nose. I sat next to her and I put her head on my lap. The rest of the girls came in as I ran my hand through Y/N's beautiful H/C H/L hair. The girls sat around us looking at Y/N,

"How are we going to punish Qrow for doing this to our Y/N?" 

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