Chapter 10

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I walked towards my dorm happily. It was finally Friday, and I had my date with Blake today. Although it was later tonight, so I was going to spend some time in Vale with Yang. I arrived at my team's dorm and quickly got changed from my uniform to my usual attire. My class with Professor Glynda has been a little awkward since the whole kiss incident. I told the girls, and surprisingly they agreed to share me with her. I tried to sweet talk and bribe Glynda to get my grade up in her class, but no luck. You would think she would help me since I'm her girlfriend, but nope. 

I quickly left my team's dorm and went to meet up with Yang. I saw her in the courtyard with her arms crossed. It seemed like she was talking to someone but I couldn't see due to the mass of people in the courtyard. I ran towards her and I noticed that she was talking to Neptune, well more like he was flirting with her, and she was ignoring him. I got slightly jealous that he was flirting with Yang, but I trusted her. I walked up to her and when she saw me she smiled,

"Hey babe." Yang smiled and kissed my cheek

"Woah, didn't know she was yours Y/N. Sorry." Neptune held his hands up in a defensive position and walked away

"You ready to go?" I asked looking up at her


Yang interlocked her arm with mine and started to drag me away from the courtyard towards Vale.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Neo cuddling chibi Y/N

Yang and I were just riding around on her bike, Bumblebee. It had gotten late, and it was dark out. We were riding around Vale one more time when we suddenly heard the sound of glass shattering. Yang and I shared a look before she took off in the direction of the sound. We arrived at the location a few moments later and saw Adam towering over Blake, with his weapon drawn. Yang had stopped her bike and I charged forward punching Adam in the gut. I looked down at Blake and noticed that she was injured,

"Yang, take Blake back to Beacon. I'll deal with this bitch."

Yang was about to argue but I gave her a look, and she quickly picked Blake up. I heard Yang take off on her bike, and I turned towards Adam,

"Surprise motherfucker."

I pulled out my weapon which was on my back, being held by a scabbard. Adam grit his teeth in anger,

"You'll pay for interfering, Y/N. And after that I'll go after your little harem."

"Look, I don't know how you know I have a harem, but I'll make sure that you never harm any of them."

Adam began to chuckle and I looked at him confused. Suddenly another white fang member jumped down from a nearby building and landed beside him. What a show off. I could tell they were a girl by their body shape. She seemed to have a tan, but I couldn't exactly tell since it was dark out. She had brown hair that was put up in a ponytail, and her mask had horns on the front. She had a black outfit on that stopped way above her knees. It was sleeveless so I could see spots on her shoulders and knees. 

"Nice to see that you've joined us Ilia." Adam stated looking at her

"Aw, did you bring back up so you don't lose to me again?~" I teased smirking readying my weapon

Adam growled and turned to me, 

"I've had enough of your tongue." 

He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at me,

"Ladies first~" I teased, my smirk growing wider

"Ilia do not interfere unless you're needed." Adam ordered and charged towards me

I smiled and charged forward meeting his attack. I blocked his sword until I kicked him in the stomach. I didn't let him recover and I charged forward punching him in the face. I didn't stop there though. With an injured Blake still fresh in my mind, I slashed and slashed with my sword. Eventually Adam was able to push me away by kicking me in the stomach. I activated my semblance as Adam struggled to stand up. I saw all of the damage I caused to him; cuts all over his chest, some deep, some not so deep, his mask was cracked, and he had a bloodied lip from where I kept punching him. 

He wiped some blood from his lip that was trailing down his chin. He went to open his mouth, but I wasn't going to let him start monologuing. I growled before I charged forward and kneed him right in the stomach. He gasped in pain and grabbed his stomach as he fell on his knees. I kicked his sword away before I towered over him and growled. I put one of my blades under his chin and made him look at me. I glared at him before I pulled my blade away and slammed it into his chest. He gasped sharply before I ripped it from his chest, and his blood started to slowly stain his uniform. He collapsed onto his side and stopped breathing.

I sheathed my sword before looking around for the girl. I didn't see her and I thought she must've ran when she saw me kill Adam. Suddenly I felt someone hit the pressure point on my neck and I collapsed into someone's arms.

Ilia POV

I looked down at Y/N, whom I caught in my arms. The only reason I was here because of my deal with Sienna. The deal was that the girls would share Y/N with me if I kidnapped her successfully. Sienna won't be that upset over Adam's death. I'm sure of that. She never liked him anyways. I picked Y/N up bridal style, and I got a closer look at her face. Her H/L H/C hair was so pretty and I was tempted to touch it. Her ears were in a drooped position, signaling that she was unconscious. I smiled before the bullhead landed in front of me. I boarded it, leaving the body of Adam behind. I sat down as the doors closed and I held Y/N close as we headed towards the white fang base. 

RWBY Harem x Fem! White tiger faunus! Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن