Chapter 18

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Your POV

I tried to open my eyes, only to be met with a headache. I slowly opened my eyes only to realize that I was tied to a chair. There were bars in front of me telling me that I was in a cell. Although the walls were red, which confused me. My ears twitched as I heard footsteps approach my cell. I glared as I saw Emerald and Neo approach my cell. My mouth began to water as I smelled food. Emerald had a tray in her hand, and Neo opened the cell door for her. Neo closed the door behind them as they walked in. I growled as Emerald approached me with the food. Emerald rolled her eyes as she got a spoonful of the soup, and put it against my mouth. I refused as Emerald spoke,

"Come on Y/N eat. We know you're hungry."

I was about to argue, but my stomach growled, making me embarrassed. 

"See? Now open up."

I sighed before I opened my mouth, allowing her to feed me. We did this in silence for a few moments before Emerald spoke again,

"Y/N I know you're not happy that we kidnapped you twice, but try and understand. All of us having feelings for you, if you didn't know yet. The only way we can see you without getting arrested is well..kidnapping you."

I looked between her and Neo a few times. Neo had a sad look on her face as she looked on the ground,

"Y/N, please we love you. We know you're not happy with us, but please give us a chance." Emerald pleaded putting her hand on my cheek. 

I thought for a moment. Sure they kidnapped me, but they made it pretty clear that they all had feelings for me. I mean they never hurt me, and my gut told me that they sincerely loved me. I sighed before I looked Emerald in the eye,

"Fine. I'll give you all a chance.''

Emerald smiled before she cupped my cheeks, kissing me. It was slow and passionate, and we pulled apart when we needed air. Emerald looked at me with a blush on her face before Neo pushed her aside. Neo jumped on me wrapping her legs around my waist, nearly tipping the chair over. Neo quickly smashed our lips together, making my eyes widen slightly. Neo quickly shoved her tongue int my mouth, not even letting me try and get dominance. After a few minutes we pulled away, a thin trail of saliva connecting our lips. I panted as Neo got off my lap, and she rubbed my ear softly. I let out a soft purr as she continued until they had to leave. They walked towards the door before I asked them a question,

"Where am I?"

I didn't see it, but both girls' eyes widened. Emerald sighed before answering,

"You'll find out soon."

I tilted my head confused as they walked out of the cell. It seemed like forever until I heard footsteps again. My ears perked hoping it was one of the girls. Instead a woman with white skin, white hair, black veins, with black eyes, and red pupils walked up to the cell. She had some black dress on that went all the way down to her feet, with a cape on the back. She smirked and pressed her hands together,

"Hello Y/N."

Yang POV

Y/N had been missing for hours, leaving all of us worried. We searched all around Vale, but only to come up empty. My heart hurt with guilt as I remember the face she gave me before she ran off. I tried to find her to apologize, but I never did. Right now we were with Ms. Goodwitch as we went through some camera feed. Ms. Goodwitch said it was new technology, and that Beacon volunteered to test them out. We all separately watched a screen, looking for any sign of Y/N.I watched my screen intently. Suddenly I saw Y/N on my screen after she ran off from us,


I waved them over, and they quickly hovered around my camera feed. We watched as Y/N seem to be calling out for someone, most likely Velvet. Suddenly she began to look around, with a nervous expression. I raised my eyebrow in confusion as I saw her continue walking. Suddenly a girl with black hair, wearing a red dress appeared on screen, walking behind Y/N. She copied Y/N's movements, and stopped when she stopped. Y/N began to call out again with a more panicked expression. The woman took out a rag and poured something on it. We watched as she quickly approached Y/N wrapping an arm around her waist before pressing the cloth against her nose and mouth. Y/N struggled before going limp in the woman's arms. She picked Y/N up bridal style before she noticed the camera. She summoned what look like fire, before she threw it at the camera, destroying it as the screen went black. The girls and I all shared a look, not recognizing the girl. Although Ms.Goodwitch was glaring at the screen,

"Cinder." She muttered 

I turned to her,

"You know who the girls is Ms.Goodwitch?"\

She nodded,

"She works with white fang, and I've ran into her a couple of times." She growled standing up, "But I don't know why she would kidnap Y/N."

"Its because of Salem." A voice said behind us

We all turned around, and my mother stood there with her mask off. She glared at the screen as she walked forward,

"Mom?" I whispered as she walked closer

"Its because of Salem. I've had reports on Cinder working for Salem. My spies also reported Salem having an interest in Y/N, so I'm guessing that's where she is."

"So you're saying she's at Salem's castle?" Ms. Goodwitch asked 

"Thats exactly what I'm saying."

Ms. Goodwitch placed a hand on her chin as she began to think,

"How are we going to save her?"

It was quiet for a few moments before Ruby spoke up,

"Who is Salem?"

My mother looked at her holding her mask tightly,

"Salem is the grimm's master. She can make them do her bidding, and she lives for thousands of years. She knows more about dust and aura than any one in this room."

Everyone except for Ms. Goodwitch eyes widened. Ms. Goodwitch looked at my mother,

"Did you use a portal to get here?"

My mother nodded as Ms. Goodwitch walked closer to her,

"Then can you make a portal to Salem's castle?"

"I can't. As soon as I take a step in her castle, she'll know I'm there."

"Well at least try. You could summon your portal right in front of Y/N, and get her out of there before anyone could tell you where there."

It was silent for a moment before my mother spoke up,

"I'll do it for one condition."

"What is it?" Winter asked taking a step forward

"You all share Y/N with me."

We all shared a look. I mean one more girl couldn't hurt right? We all nodded before looking at her,

"You have a deal." I stated looking her in the eyes

She nodded, and looked between all of us.

"I'll wait until their guard is down. Then I'll go for Y/N."

"As long as you get her back safely." Velvet stated looking at her with worried eyes

"I will." My mother nodded before we started to come up with a plan if Salem and her minions try and take Y/N again.

RWBY Harem x Fem! White tiger faunus! ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin