Bang Chan X Reader- Crush

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Today is the first day back to high school. After a good spring break. And yet another year gone by still having a crush on him. Bang Chan, you're best friends since forever. And although he's a popular guy at school, he still makes time to hang out with you. And you, of course, just appreciate it. He means the world to you, but you just don't show it. So, this year you decided to tell Chan you liked him. Which of course he most likely won't like you back and you're risking the friendship. At least you kept telling yourself that. But besides that, you're excited for high school. This year was going to be good.

You're mom had packed your lunch and handed it to you before you left the house. You grabbed you're backpack and put on your shoes. You're uniform was new and somewhat stylish. The doorbell rang. You opened the door to see, not only you're best friend, but your crush, Chan. "Good morning, Y/N!!" He said, excited. "Morning, Chan!" You replied. You waved goodbye to you're mom and close the door and headed to the bus stop with Chan. "How did you sleep?" Chan asked, smiling his cute smile and showing his dimples. "Pretty good! How about you?" You said, smiling. You actually didn't sleep well. Mostly because Chan was on your mind all night and you just couldn't stop think about him. "It could have been better." He's said, his smile fading. "Why? What's wrong?" You asked, really worried. He was silent. Chan didn't look you in the eyes, like he usually does. He simply just stared at the ground. "Chan?" You asked. "What?" He replied. "What's going on? You know you can tell me, right?" He simply nodded. But something was on his mind and you knew it because you've known him forever. "Chan!" You yelled, stoping both of you. He flinched. "Y/N? W-Why did you yell?" Chan asked, slightly scared at the sudden behavior. "Because Chan!! You won't tell me what's wrong..." you replied, trailing off at the end. Chan finally looked you in the eyes and said,"oh." He paused, looking around. You grabbed his hands and he looks at you. He took a deep breath. And talked again," Y/N, I've liked you since we were little and I never had the courage to tell you. I was afraid I'd ruin our friendship. And I don't want that." He stopped and looked at the ground. You smiled, but didn't say anything. Chan spoke again, "I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I just had to tell you. Ok, Y/N?" He then looked into you're eyes and you smiled again. "Chan? I like you too." You said. And you saw his smile form again. Those were the words you've been waiting you're whole life to hear. And he said it and even though it's cheesy, you couldn't help but smile. "Y/N? You're so beautiful!" Chan stated and wrapped his arms around your waist. Smiling so big, anyone would have seen it from a mile away.

And that's how Chan and your's relationship started. And its been going on for over 5 years now. You can't help but think, 'I must be the most luckiest women alive.'

Hope you enjoyed the first one! Sorry if it sucks and that it's short, but I'll get better! Hopefully... anyways I'm open for requests. So don't hesitate. I have no life anyways... but oh well! 😂🙈🤪

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