Seo Changbin X Reader- Lonley

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Changbin's POV~

I really wish I could have someone to talk to, to laugh with, someone who understands me, someone who would love me now matter what. But that's just a wish that will never come true.


Changbin has been really quiet lately. Really quiet. It's unusual. He didn't make his stupid but funny comments anymore. And he's just plain out sad. It's not ok, I really need to check on him and I would if Felix would let me.
"Felix, can please use the restroom?" You asked the Australia boy who sat across the table from you, pulling out a Jenga piece. He looked up, frowned, then said, "Gosh, fine. Go use the restroom." You replied with a thank you and got up. Luckily, Changbin was on the way to the bathroom.

Changbin's POV~

Two feet appeared in front of me. I looked up and saw y/n standing there. She smiled and said, "Are you ok? You've been down lately. You always make stupid but funny comments, but lately you haven't." She was frowning now. I sighed. "I'm fine" I said in a quiet voice. "Right, because I believe that. You can tell me what's wrong. I'll try to understand. Heck, I may even understand." She replied. Clearly concerned. I looked at her and said, "Ok. But we'll talk in private." Y/N nodded. "Hey! I thought you were using the bathroom?" Felix yelled to y/n. "Run." Was all she said before running. I quickly followed her. We're arrived in my room and she quickly closed the door, locking it too. Felix banged on the door a few times, then left. Y/n looked at me with a worried face. "Ok. Talk." Y/n said sitting on my bed, waiting for me to do the same. I did. "Alright. I just feel lonely. I know I love with eight other guys, but I want someone I can laugh with. Someone who understands me and tries to comfort me when I need it. Someone I can call mine."


"Alright. I just feel lonely. I know I live with eight other guys, but I want someone I can laugh with. Someone who understands me and tries to comfort me when I need it. Someone I can call mine." Changbin said, sighing at the end. That's heart braking. I held his hand and he looked at me.
"Like I said Changbin, I may even understand what your going through." I paused, looking to see his reaction. Nothing yet. "The truth is... I feel the same way. I really do. I lay awake at night wishing for someone to hold me, someone to make me laugh, someone who calls me his, someone who comforts me. I know what it feels like to feel lonely, Changbin." I said, holding both of his hands. His head was hung low, I couldn't see his face. I heard a sniffle. Then felt a few wet drops on my hands. That's when I realized that the big tough Changbin, really needed someone. I hugged him and he hugged me back, crying in my shoulder. I just rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. He stopped a few minutes later. "Y/N?" He asked. "Yeah..." I replied. Please tell me he feels the same way I do. "I... I... I like you." Was all he said before looking up at me. My cheeks heated, burning a bright red. He smile, I knew he knew how I felt. "I like you too." I said after he stared into my eyes, in a loving way. He smiled, the first in weeks. I smiled too. "Y/n?! Changbin?! Stop being sentimental and come out and play jenga with the rest of us!!" Felix yelled on the other side of the door. "Shut up, Australian!" Changbin replied. Snickers could be heard from the other boys. "You want to go play?" I asked. "Yeah." He replied with a smile.
We both walked, the boys all surprised Changbin was smiling. "Finally." Felix replied. Everyone laughed, even Changbin. You both sat on the floor. All ten of you continued to play jenga. Felix lost the most. You all decided to watch movies for the rest on the night. Changbin was clearly happy being with you. And you were too.
I'm glad he's happy. He looks good with a smile. This was, by far, the best day ever.

Again this was cheesy. But oh well. Tell me if you guys want more than cheesy, fluffy stuff. Because I'll write more stuff, if you want. But I hope you enjoyed this imagine. Sorry it's short. But I just want to get some out for you guys. 😐😊
Leave requests, if you want. Not forcing. 👍🏻 Have a great day everyone! 👍🏻
(Should I tell you guys requirements for a request or no? Let me know what you think! Your opinions matter!!!)😊👍🏻

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