manhattan elite females 2.0

95 1 6

( Estonian beauty )



Viktoria Renata Villalobos-Laos

bisexual(leans towards guys)

kaia gerber

Being the youngest Villalobos isn't easy, especially for Viktoria, which she feels that no one really understands her that well enough

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Being the youngest Villalobos isn't easy, especially for Viktoria, which she feels that no one really understands her that well enough. She doesn't really get along with her parents because she found about a secret that both of them had been hiding from each other and she hates secrets coming from her family.

She's one of those pretty faces that can lure any guy in and she uses them as a arm candy until she dumps them or doesn't call them back. As Nelly Furtado's well known song, Maneater, she's the true definition of "never ever met her at all". Some guys could say that they never ever want to meet a girl like her ever again in their lives because she uses them for a certain period of time and only did one night stands.

It's impossible for a guy to pull her into reality but it was her only escape from living in a household that had been broken since day one and having half siblings that she never blamed for. She adores her half sister, knowing that she had been there for her and getting through her worst nightmare at home

upper east side
luis andres villalobos-leos and analia laos-lima

she is the second child in her parents marriage and the third child of either side of her parents because of the affair that her parents had. just like her brother, luciano, she's resentful towards her parents and she doesn't want to see them as she always manages to escape to her half-sisters home and stays there until she feels better or when her brother calls her.

with all the walls being built, she never really had a guy that was able to try hard and get her to open up as it was always had been mission impossible. she never had the true love of a guy, never had the proper nicknames, just that she used guys as a toy and set them aside

maneater- nelly furtado

it's you- zayn




Alma Sofía Illescas-Villalobos


oriana sabatini

she might be considered as the girl of many things such as a free spirit, funny, sarcastic, etc

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she might be considered as the girl of many things such as a free spirit, funny, sarcastic, etc., but no one really knows what really goes on behind the scenes as she was a result of an affair between her mother and her half siblings father. she doesn't carry the villalobos last name and doesn't want to even hear their name.

beauty behind the madness is what her friends always say to her as her beauty is a disguise of an alter ego besides the funny, free spirited girl that she always projected to the world and she does it all the time whenever her father wants to pay attention to her but she doesn't give two fûcks about her father as he was never present in her life while growing up.

half upper east side, half outsider
luis andres villalobos laos and Isabella Illescas

just like Riley , she's considered a child of an affair of a father who's a wealthy man and a mother who's an outsider, who has a stable lifestyle and was the one who raised her when she was born. Her father didn't pay attention to her while growing up, so it was always her mother and her uncles who raised her.

her mother has a famous cousin in Spain as he became her godfather as she looked at him as a fatherly figure then her actual father as she thanked him for raising her and for always being there for her.
(more to be added)

all good things (come to an end)- nelly furtado

wRoNg- zayn


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