red (female)

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eighteen | bisexual | female

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eighteen | bisexual | female


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THERE is a solid reason why she is named the way she is. Having a somewhat rich history of her ancestry, her parents had decided to giver the middle name Artemis for reasons that she found a bit confusing but accepted either way because it made who she is. Her parents relate her to the actual goddess Artemis herself because of her bravery, her aura of independence and having the ability to fight her own battles without asking for anyone's help, which it help her stand out more to the crowd.

DESPITE having that type of aura, it was not the same while she was growing up. Cleopatra was a very introvert type of person who wouldn't speak to anyone, hard to make friends and had constant anxiety attacks when she spoke with people around her. That changed when she got older and started to play certain sports that she wanted to play and that helped her a lot up to the point where she was able to communicate with others around her without having the anxiety to run away from them.

HOWEVER she doesn't allow anyone to tear her down and always ignore the negative words and thoughts others have of her and puts her head up high to show that their words don't mean a thing. That inspired her nieces and they always looked up to her because she outshines everywhere she goes and never once talked negativity about other, only if she really needs to talk negatively towards them and always speaks the sad truth.

CLEOPATRA is the youngest of six children, having three older brothers and two older sisters

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CLEOPATRA is the youngest of six children, having three older brothers and two older sisters. Since her siblings are years older than her, she never got the opportunity to grow up with as closely as she hoped but the age difference between her and first niece was only three years apart and that helped her a lot to grow up and to be kind with kids around her.

HER father was the one who have taught her to use some weaponry, which it was unusual for a father to teach their daughter but she was eager to learn it. What many people don't know was that her father was a navy man and stopped being one once she was born and decided to do what he wanted to do most and that was being a lawyer and her mother supported him. She always has the tendency to spend her time around the guys while she was in school because there was less drama around them and was able to learn a thing or two on self defense.

THE people she have encountered with expect her to be a girl with classy manners and do what girls are suppose to do but she fight back and always tell them no, she promised herself she will stand out from other girls. Her parents raised her to become the independent woman she is now and vowed that she will not be one of the girls who will be submissive to a guy but to be an equal and have her voice heard.

LIKES: Food, wine, learning new things, pineapple, pistachios (she will fight you if you take them away from her), being independent, traveling, languages

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LIKES: Food, wine, learning new things, pineapple, pistachios (she will fight you if you take them away from her), being independent, traveling, languages

DISLIKES: Almonds (allergic), dark chocolate, people telling her how to act (more to come)

IF she would go on a date with one of the royals, she would decide to go with kalum and she will not listen to any advice from others if they try to stop her from doing so

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IF she would go on a date with one of the royals, she would decide to go with kalum and she will not listen to any advice from others if they try to stop her from doing so. She does have a sharp tongue and she will snap at anyone. The reason why she joined is to test her luck and change a bit about the selection. She doesn't know what to change about it but she'll find a way somehow.


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