task no. i

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Cleopatra was calm when she entered the room, having zero anxiety. For her, that was a bonus because her 12 year old self would've wanted to run away and hide from the king and queen. She wasn't going to allow her anxiety to hit her hard and make a fool of herself in front of the king and queen.

She took a small bow in front of the king and queen, being extremely formal before taking a seat, rearranging the fabric of her pants for a moment. 'Not today, anxiety, not today,' she thought to herself as she gave them a small smile. silence fell in the room as she waited for them to say something and tapped her foot slightly to keep her calms together or else she was going to panic on the spot. 

The king decided to break the silence as he was the first to speak. "What would be your weapon of choice and how would you plan it out with executing someone?" He asked her, being direct. No running around in circles nor sweet talking into it. Right on the spot. That question alone left her into a deep thinking mode, remembering every weapon her father made her memorize while growing up. 

As a daughter of a navy man, she should know, right? Maybe, just maybe. Who knows? "Weapon of choice..." she trailed off, placing a finger on her lips and tapped on it lightly, thinking about it. "I would've said the katana but it's too long and noticeable. That is a massive no-no," Cleopatra begun, explain a bit of what she would've used but not a solid option of weapon. "I know that the typical response would be knives or a gun that won't make noise or the bow and arrow but what if it is a weapon that is not visible to any of us?" She added on, having something in mind. 

"Poisoning someone," she spited her response out, seeming that it could be one way to kill a royal or anyone. Painfully slow but it seemed a valid option to her. "It can be either in food or in a drink, which both are valid options and it can be worked in an instant, but they have to be distracted," she said. And she had a valid point, she didn't want to put anything while they were looking at her. It would be much easier if they were distracted or gone to the bathroom or something. 

She knew that it was unusual for them to hear that response but it was one way to reduce whatever they had in mind but she didn't want to know what would happen. If they had something in mind or to kill someone, it was their choice, not hers, even if they had to kill their own children. Of course, not them but someone else to kill them on their behalf. "If that doesn't work out, I'll have plan b under my sleeve, that is for sure," Cleo added on. 

The two royals simply gave her a nod, which Cleopatra didn't know it was a good sign or not but allowed it to slide, knowing that it wasn't her business to pry in. 

"May I leave, your majesties?" She asked them softly, wanting to be excused from them. She felt that she said enough and wanted to back to wherever she was and have a moment to herself to prepare herself mentally. They gave her a nod as she was quick to get up and gave them a bow before exiting the room as soon as she could. She felt that she didn't recognize herself back there with all of the responses she gave but knew one way or another, she would have to come up with a handful of plans to take a few people down 


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