Chapter 5: Here We Go Again

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Y/N groggily woke up to a loud banging at her apartment door. It must be one of her neighbors that needed something. That's all they ever knock for.

She groaned in annoyance as the loud knocking continued, echoing throughout the living room into her bedroom, forcing her to get up and check it.

She stretched quickly and jumped up a little too quickly, almost losing her balance from waking up literally 30 seconds ago. Y/N headed to the mirror and not to her surprise, she looked like complete shit.

Sighing it off she walked to the door. 'Maybe it's best if I peep through the hole to see who it is first', she thought to herself. Her eyes looked through the glass partition in the door and frowned when she saw who it was.

Jeon Jungkook.

Of all people to be at her door at this hour it just had to be Jungkook.

He as a person didn't annoy her as such, he could actually be quite sweet sometimes, it was more the fact that he was an extremely loud neighbor and liked to lowkey judge the things she does.

Y/N quickly ran to her mirror fixing her hair to make it someone decent and presentable to the slightly younger male. After finishing she padded toward the door, the inconsiderate knocking still there.

He knew she was home so there was so hiding it avoiding him. Jungkook won't stop until she comes out.

Much to her dismay, as Y/N opened the door she was faced with a very annoyed man.

She sighed and spoke out to the taller "What is it this time?" Y/N asked knowing her was here to complain about something.

His face was plastered with much more irritation after her slightly rude tone. "What were you doing in the forest last night?" He asked with a blank stare.

She was tacken aback by this question. What did he care if she went to the woods?
"Why does that concern you?" Y/N asked in a more sarcastic tone this time.

Jungkook groaned "You're going to get yourself killed in there. Do you know what animals lurk in there?" He added pointing in the direction of the forest.

"Yeah, a few squirrels, bunnies, the occasional wolf here and there. Again why does it concern you?" Y/N tapped her foot and leaned against the door frame.

Jungkook sighed heavily, "Because you're my neighbor and I'd rather this apartment complex not be haunted because you got mauled by a wolf as you were exploring." He mentioned with a partly arrogant tone.

"I'm sure I'll be fine in the daylight, hikers go through there all the time." She waved him off.
"Go harass another neighbor Jungkook."

He glared daggers at her when she said that before he turned his back to her.
"This was a warning Y/N, if you keep going in there you may not come back alive next time."

She breathed out a little loudly, now feeling more nervous than she already was. "Whatever," was all she could respond before slamming the door shut in frustration.

Y/N stared out at her safe space. She had to admit, for once something Jungkook had complained about made complete sense, and she knew it first hand.

She retreated into her bedroom to get dressed and head back into the woods and try to find her keys amidst the overgrowth of plants.

Heading back down the elevator and into the reception area Y/N took another deep and nervous breath before she exited the front door.

She made sure once again that no one followed even though she was sure there will be people in the forest at this time of day.

Y/N looked down at her watch noticing that she had two hours before class started. Crap. It takes her an hour to get to university. Knowing this, she shot off like a bullet in the direction of the towering trees.

As she approached she mentally told herself that the woods weren't as scary in the daylight. Much to her surprise there was no one crowded in front of its entrance. Perfect, that means they couldn't have been stolen by someone.

Y/N rushed into the brush, staying on track for the first few minutes of her search before slowly making her way back into the direction of her wolf encounter. She wasn't as scared of seeing a wolf in the daylight, it was rare as they often don't want to be spotted.

Her search became slower as she approached the important bush. Surprisingly, she vividly remembered the shape of the plant and everything around it.

Y/N searched and searched but to no avail found nothing that could lead her to her keys.
She groaned out in frustration and placed her head in her hands. "Why does this only happen to me?" She asked herself in annoyance.

After a few minutes of remaining curled up in a ball of regret she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

Y/N was startled as she whipped her head around to face the figure, standing up abruptly in the process.

She quickly realised the beauty of this unknown man. He had very fair and smooth skin, paired with the darkest jet black hair she'd ever seen.

His eyes were a different story, they were slanted with a bright hazel iris that bore no emotion. Y/N gulped, his stature and vibe coming off as very dominating and intimidating.

"Wh-who are you?" She beat herself up internally for stuttering at this stranger, just for being there.

With a lazy movement the mysterious man reached into his back pocket of his skinny jeans and held out...

Her keys...

Y/N hesitated to grab the jingling object from the man's long fingers, but her moved the keys forward to her.

When she didn't respond to his movement or grab the keys, he silently sighed and dropped them on the leafy ground, before turning his back to leave.

She was taken aback by this stranger's rude attitude yet still feared him, so didn't dare to speak back. "Thank you, what is your name?" Y/N asked wanting to be at least mutual.

When there was no response to her question she started to get annoyed. He had begun to walk off from her.

"Excuse me sir, I'm talking to you." She called out running up to him cautiously.

"Hellooooooo??" Just as she reached his side he whipped his head around and stared her down with his intimidating and irritated glare.

"Don't come back here..."

Those were the only words that came out of his mouth. They were deep and raspy as if he hadn't talked in a long time. Nevertheless the sound of his voice caused her to stop in her tracks and back away slowly.

As Y/N was backing away, still shocked by him, she saw him give her one final scan of her body before retreating back into the thick bushes.

She quickly grabbed her keys from the leaf littered floor and once again sprinted back to her apartment complex.

On the way she checked the time. "God dammit" She muttered knowing she will be an hour late to class.

As she gathered her books and jumped into her car, the image of that man was the only thing clouding her mind.


Yay! Another chapter out finally. I'm so sorry for the super slow updates, I'm literally being showered in homework and projects //criiii//
Either way, I hope y'all enjoyed this book and feel free to comment and vote ✨💕

Lone Wolf: BTS Hybrid AU (Yoongi x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora