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I sigh and stare out the window. There's really not much to see from 1500 feet. Just clouds and blue abysses. I try and read the novel Mme Bustier assigned but got sick fairly quickly. My class sits around me in the cramped bits of economy class on our plane. The only lucky thing was that Adrien sat next to me. Though, he fell asleep 10 minutes into the flight.

Suddenly a heavy weight began to reside on my shoulder. I turn to look at the sudden weight. A lock of golden hair greets me when I do. Adrien's head was on my shoulder. I swear I tried really hard to keep my cool. I didn't do anything that could wake him though. I sigh and look back out the window. Excited for my first trip out of France.


I wake hours later to find a sleeping Adrien resting his head in my lap and my arms making a makeshift pillow on his back. "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for flying with France Airlines. I hope you enjoy our stay in Hong Kong. Please dispose of any trash on your way off the plane, have a good day folks." The pilot said over the intercom. Adrien awakes moments later and takes a minute to realize our semi-intimate position. Luckily Alya and Nino sat a few rows ahead so she had no opportunities to take pictures.

"S-sorry Marinette."Adrien stutters as he sits up.

"M-My fault. I mean... how could it be y-your fault... you're perfect." I sigh wistfully. I accidentally blush madly and look away hearing a slight chuckle from Adrien's seat beside me.

"You may now exit the plane. Safe travels."


The hotel we drove up to was amazing, The Langham I think it was called. We were sent off into groups of four which were co-ed as certain girls (Chloé) would probably kill other girls (me).

"Lila, Max, Kim, Chloé, room 428. Mylène, Ivan, Nathaniel, Sabrina, room 468. Alya, Nino, Marinette, Adrien, I'm trusting you can be responsible in room 567?" We nod. "Good, next..." as Mme finishes rambling off rooming groups my mind starts to wonder. Mme said something about attending a coronation of some kind. Something about a new princess will be claimed tomorrow. I'm snapped out of my daydream by an attractive voice beckoning me.

"Marinette, wanna share a room key?" Adrien asks holding out a blue card.

"Sure." I say proudly for not stuttering. We hop in an elevator and go up to the fifth floor. I would have preferred a top floor room, but i guess that's where the expensive rooms are so I don't complain. We never really stayed in hotels when we could avoid it. We were rather poor when it came to a comparison to my classmates.

We walk into our room to see a pair of nice silk blanketed beds, probably queen sized, sitting side by side and a nice bathroom with a massive shower in the corner. I sigh at its beauty while I notice how uncomfortable the others felt. Well, they have a little more privilege. Oh well.

"I call sharing a bed with Nino!" Alya says hopping on one of the beds, the white blankets rumbling beneath her.

"What?" I exclaim. Me? Sharing a bed? With ADRIEN?

"Cool, that means you and me right Marinette?" Adrien says smiling down at me. I get nervous. The only people I've shared a bed with are my mama and papa, and one time a very distraught Chat Noir... ok it was a couple of times... But that's different!

"I-I guess." I stutter out. He smiles once more before flopping down like Alya had. Nino mimics them as I sit gently on the edge only to slip off and land on my, now sore, butt. I hear my friends laughing and I join them... well... before I feel a pair of arms lift me off the floor with ease and wrap me up in a hug while sitting on their lap. Adrien's lap.

"We should be getting to bed." Alya says completely ignoring our intimate condition to roll over and have a very attentive Nino spoon up next to her. DJWifi is so adorable.

I pull myself under the warm covers to feel a pair of arms pull me into a similar embrace. The hard, toned chest my back is pressed against feels oddly familiar. So do the toned biceps holding me close. This whole embrace is giving me déjà vu.

"Figure it out yet Purr-incess." I hear a gentle voice lull into my ear. I swallow as I suddenly realize who exactly was cuddling up to me.

"Hi Kitty." I mumble before falling into a restful slumber.


"Alright students get into pairs, preferably from your room group. Is everyone wearing their Kimono? Chloé what are you wearing?" Mme Bustier arranges. It must be stressful, facing a queen and king and trusting some high school Parisians to cooperate. We are put in groups and filed into a bus which takes us to the palace. The whole place seems oddly familiar. I dont tell anyone though. What if they thought I was crazy?

Apparently all the staff of the palace can read minds as they all stare at me either confused or excitedly. I look at everything but the people. I guard intercepts us and makes us go through a metal detector which guess who held up.

"Thank you Mme, for transporting the princess safely." A voice says from behind our group. Apparently the security room lead into a throne room of sorts where two people in decadent Kimonos and elaborate crowns sit in large elegant thrones with a barren one between them that was slightly smaller and pink and silver rather then red and gold.

"Your welcome Your Highness." Mme Bustier says bowing. We all take the hint and bow, it seemed to please the royal couple. They nodded their heads in return.

"Don't tell me that you're my long lost parents or something? Who else could be this transported princess." Chloé says playing with her ponytail.

The monarchs seemed unamused. "Actually, the princess is the one called Marinette." The Queen says her voice gentle.

I clear my throat respectfully. "I'm sorry what?"

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