I'm Back

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Adrien and I lay awkwardly side by side mere minutes after that whole encounter. He grasps my hand before rolling over on his side to look at me. His green eyes looking at me with worry. "You know we don't have to have kids yet? We can wait later." He says, brushing my hair out of my face.

"But I can't." I say rolling over so he can't see my face. I know it's childish to act like this but I'm still so young and forced into this so soon it just isn't fair.

"Princess, they can't make you do anything." He says rubbing my back. "We just turned 18, the people will understand."

"How can they understand anything if I myself don't understand." I whine burying my face in the pillow.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

I roll over to face him, the fear and weakness evident in my eyes. "I don't understand anything that's happened this past month. I got new parents and they died and now I'm in charge of a country that I barely know anything about and can only speak the language minimally and it's all just a mess." He pulls me into his arms as I start to cry a little. He rubs my back soothingly until I start to calm down.

"My lady, you listen to me." He says, pushing me away to look at me. "Everything is new to me too, but we just have to be happy that fate brought us together. I can help you learn everything you need to know. We will get through this together. I know it." He kisses my forehead before pulling me back to his chest. "I know you're worried, so we can explain it to them tomorrow. For now, let's just get some sleep. Okay love?"

I nod and sniffle a little before wrapping my arms around him, enjoying his warmth. I listen to the sound of his heart beating and his breathing as it tickles my ears. I very quickly fall asleep.


The next morning bring the same days stresses.  Adrien tries to help, but it's difficult when all everyone seems to want to talk about is the soon to be heir.

"I don't want a baby." I mumble to Adrien. "Can't we just get a hamster instead? That can be my baby."

He chuckles a little before kissing my cheek. We just finished a meeting with the advisors, we were now walking in the garden. "My Lady, we can get you a hamster, but I'm not sure it can be your baby. I don't know how well the people of China would take to being ruled by a rodent."

I sigh and sit on a bench. "It's so weird. It seems like just yesterday we were in Paris speaking French and eating French food and now we're here." I tug at the sleeve of my dress. "I don't even know who I am anymore."

"You are my princess." He kneels in front of the bench, making himself at eye level. "You are Ladybug, a bakers daughter, and an amazing designer, but you are also the Queen of China, my wife, and you will soon mother Royalty. Marinette, no matter what or who you are, I will always love you and I will never leave you. I promise. Cats honor." He smiles at me and wipes away my happy tears.

"I love you too." I fall to the ground in his lap as we embrace. I bury my head in his neck and breathe in his scent. He always smells... so good. When we were in Paris, he always had a smell of Camembert coated in expensive cologne. Though despite this I could always seem to find a slight scent of leather. It's more prominent now, maybe because Plagg is getting Royal Treatment. Thinking of them...

"Have you seen Plagg or Tikki since Paris?" I ask, finally rising my head.

"Last I saw they were ransacking the kitchens." He chuckles.

"I haven't seen them in a while." I mumble.

"Well, you have been rather busy lately." I sigh. "Maybe tomorrow we can schedule a day off. Maybe we can sew something. Oh! Or we could bake something. You could teach me how to make your awesome croissants." I smile at the thought of Adrien helping me sew a dress or him covered in flour. "And." He says in French. "We can talk in French. No one will be able to scold us."

"I'd love that kitty." I say kissing his nose. "Let's do it."

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