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"I'm sorry what?" I say as politely as I can to the queen people things...

"Yes Marinette, you are our daughter. Sent to Paris due to threats to live with Sabine and Tom Dupain-Chang. Is this all correct?" The queen says.

"I-I'm Sabine and Tom's daughter I don't know about stowaway." I say immediately regretting my choice of words.

The queen just laughs gently. Everything about this lady is so gentle, forgiving and kind. Who could ever wish to harm someone so lovely as her? "I don't believe I said stowaway, my dear, but yes, Sabine and Tom work for me."

"So that means..." I hesitate.

"You're the PRINCESS!" Alya finishes for me. I look around at my classmates. Some look shocked, others look angry (guess this twosome if terror), some like Adrien are too stunned to speak.

"Yes." The king...? Emperor? I don't know, said.

"The princess." I mumble to myself.

"Come Love, lets not forget your palace tour!"


I sit in the bed that resides in my very pink and silver room. Not saying I don't love the color scheme, but I'd like some teal or black too! I sigh and lie down on the silky pink fabric. Alya, who was aloud to stay to keep me calm, mimics me except laying do our heads make a right angle.

"What a day." She says excitedly. 

"What a day." I say disgusted.

"Come on Marinette. What's wrong?" Alya says turning to face me.

"I'm a princess." I say as if it weren't obvious.

"Are you joking?! You know how many people would kill to have today happen to them? Stop complaining about nothing." I wish I could tell you why this isn't a good thing. Being Ladybug, Paris' protector, I cant do that from freaking China!

"Marinette." The soft voice of my "mother" says from the doorway. "We need to talk."

"Ill go back to the room and see you later girl." Alya says smiling and hugging me (which earned a stiffened response from the queen and guards around the room) she bowed to the queen before quickly making her escape.

"Marinette, I understand this is early into your life here in China and everything is new to you, but we must talk coronations." She says. I hang my head knowing I cant disagree with the  freaking queen of China.

"Yes Ma'am." I say depressingly.

"But," she continues, ignoring or simply not hearing the drag in my tone, "the law states you must be married before we can pass on the the crown."

"Mother, I'm 18..." I say trying to be polite.

"And...?" The queen says whipping around to give me a look.

"Nothing." I say hanging my head once more.

"Ive already arranged a husband for you. He is a good match, personality wise and he wouldn't take much time to adjust to royal life and I believe that he'd be a good Emperor to rule beside you."

"Yes Mother." I say sadly. I guess I should forget about Adrien then.

"Good. Very obedient, you'll make a good wife." She says kissing my forehead in a familiar way i recognize from somewhere then leaves.


Alya texted me later that night that Adrien got a call from his dad that he had to leave for a private matter tomorrow.  I tell her about my new hubby and she just apologizes before saying she has to go. How I long to be curling up with Adrien... Chat? I dont know who I want anymore, but I do know that I missed my blonde haired green eyed boyfriend? I dont even know if we were dating. 'Mother' arranges for me to eat brunch with the new emperor tomorrow and give him a tour of the grounds. She tells me to find a mask. He insists on wearing a mask until our wedding (in a week).

I search the massive closet for something formal. I settle on a teal kimono. I slip on my mask. It's rather beautiful. 'Mother' says its from New Orleans in America. It covers most my face, covering both my eyes, nose, and mouth, but from my cheekbones up only a thin strip of golden clay covers my other eye. It's a lovely light blue with golden accents. When I try to leave (slightly early) I get shoved back in by maids and a very scared butler. (See above)

"Your Highness, you cant see company without your crowns!" One blonde girl says. Her platinum locks fall down to just below her butt. She opens a locked cupboard, looks at me then back to the cupboard. She pulls out a thin and beautiful gold crown with teal jewels.

"Oh-Ok." I say accepting it cautiously.


I walk down the stairs at a quickened pace as I was now late. I see him sitting at the table. It's strangely empty. We arranged for it to be a smaller table out in the rose garden. His mask is just a thin black strip. His hair is golden like Adrien and Chat's. I couldn't see his eyes for he looks down at a phone maybe?

"Hello sir." I say picking at the seam of my dress.

"Hello Your Highness." He says smirking like Chat.

I sit awkwardly across from him in the small metal table. He looks so familiar... notices my staring and his smirk grows. "So Princess, why would you agree to this?"

"I didn't really. Why would you?" I mumble, I longed for Adrien even more hearing this stranger use Chat's nickname for me.

"Nor did I. I actually didn't know I'd be betrothed to a princess." He says. I couldn't bring myself to look in his eyes. Or even him anymore.

"I'm really not a princess."  I say.

"You are the Emperor's daughter aren't you."

"I guess so, but I'm not going to be a good queen... emperoress? I prefer queen." I mumble shaming myself for rambling. He chuckles lightly in a very Adrien like manner.

"I'm sure you'll be great. Especially with a good husband to support you." He says using his thumb and index finger to lift my face to meet his eyes. "Marinette, look at me." He commands. I reluctantly look up and meet his eyes. Like my mother said, obedient women make good wives.

Adrien? Their eyes, voice, hair... gosh darn it I was fooled by a thin strip of black fabric YET AGAIN!

"Adrien?" I ask quietly.

"Hiya Princess~" He says smirking and winking at me. I roll my eyes at him while giggling.

"We meet again dont we then M. Agreste." I say looking up at him from under my eyelashes.

"So we do Princess Dupain-Chang." He says offering a hand to stand. I normally wouldn't have skipped breakfast but I did if it meant I could spend time with Adrien.


We spend hours walking around the castle and talking. Thank GOD it was Adrien. Maybe my Ladybug good luck is finally starting to kickstart. I slip into my thick pajamas (Palace issue) and curl up in the bed. Without Adrien it feels so... cold.

"God Princess, do you know how hard it was to sneak past your guards?" A voice says from my window.

I whip around to see Chat Noir sitting relaxed on my window. "Kitty." I breathe out. He walked over and, as if he read my mind, slipped into the bed beside me. Instantly the bed felt so much warmer.

"Miss me?" He jokes, still sitting an inch or two away.

I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head in his lap. "Yes." I mumble into the leather. He chuckles his beautiful laugh before sliding down so he was laying down beside me and my head now resided on his very toned chest. I see a flash of green as he transformed back and neither of us react.

"Mmmm~" I hum and in a sleep induced high I mumble. "I'm Ladybug."

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