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A little girl carrying a slightly wilted pink rose walks in the room. Her little red dress is much too big for her and coated in a layer of dirt. She looks up at me with beautiful gray eyes. Her dark black hair hangs low on her back. It's matted. "H-hello Your Majesty." The little girl stutters out.

"What your name honey?" I ask ushering her closer. The guards look anxious, but let the small, scrawny child by them.

"My name is Ai." She says fiddling with her dirty hands. She holds out the rose. "My mommy sends her love."

"Where's your momma Ai?" I ask.

"She's sick. Daddy is busy trying to get money. I got a renminbi from a nice man on the street to give you this.

"Thank you honey. Shun, could you get this little girl some eu-renminbi for her momma's treatment." I say. Shun leads the girl away as the next few people push their way in. This was going to be a very long day.


I was right. It took until late in the night. The people didn't leave until they saw me. I feel horrible for complaining. Only one or two people grilled me like an interrogation. Most gave flowers and regards. I wipe the makeup from my face and set my crown in its rightful place as Adrien comes up and kisses my neck once more.

"Hi Princess." He mumbles against my neck, never pulling his lips from my sensitive skin.

"Hi Mineau." I mumble in return, running my hands up and around his neck.

"You know... the staff is getting after me about children..." he says laughing, the hot breath fanning around my hairline.

"K-kids?!" I exclaim. I'm too young for this! I'm not ready!

"Yes." He says, placing his hands on my lower waist.

"Please tell me you told them no! Adrien I'm only 18!" I say weakly. I wished I sounded more sure of myself then I did.

"I know Princess, but we cant procrastinate forever. The hype from our marriage will only keep the people at bay for a little while. The people will insist and we'll have a bigger problem then just Tai and Wei after us." He says still holding me tightly, yet moving his lips from me.

"I-I know..." I moan. I really am not ready for this.

"I'm not saying we should do it tonight. But just think about it alright Princess."

"I will." I turn to face him before saying, "You're so much better at this then me." I press a light kiss to his lips. I pull away only to be pulled back by Adrien's strong hands holding my face to his. We share a slightly more passionate kiss then before we head to bed.


The next day we decide to hold a masquerade ball and invite friends and family from around the worlds and other government officials. We invite other people just trying to get to know other people from our kingdom trying to get to know them. I very much wanted to go curl up in my bed and hide. Being Ladybug and getting that attention was tiring enough.

I sit up straighter on bench that Adrien and I had been sharing. He looks at me suddenly, almost knocking over. Vase of roses by his leg.

"I wonder if there's been any... problems in Paris recently." I say looking across the expanse of roses. I notice a black and red one starting to wilt across the field.

"I dont know... Don't you think Alya or Nino would have told us if there had?" He asks taking my hand gently.

"But neither of us are there and Hawkmoth wouldn't just quit would he?" I ask nervously.

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