Who-Who Are You?

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"Hello Ladybug." The woman says clearly angry for no reason. She takes a step towards me and I take a step back, nervous of her actions. She doesn't really look like a woman I want to be messing with.

"Who are you?" I demand. It sounded rather weak, but I said it anyway.

" I am your worst nightmare and your best friend." She says. Her voice is soft and sweet as she speaks but there's anger laced in her words. " I think you might know my son or my husband. Gabriel and Adrien. Famous designer and the famous model boy."

"How dare you speak of Adrien like that!" I yell suddenly my pride joining me. " Adrien is so much more than just a model boy. If you truly are his mother you would know that he is perfect. He is nice, he is kind, not only is he handsome, he is also the most amazing person I have ever met in my life. So don't you ever speak of Adrien like that! And if you do, you don't deserve him!"

"You're very defensive of him." She says slyly. "It's almost as though you love him or something." She smirks. But it's not like Chat Noir's. It's evil smirk the only a Hawkmoth Akumitized victim would wear.

"I do love him!" I exclaim without thinking. This is the first person I have admitted this to other than Alya. I guess this woman just makes the truth fly out of my mouth. It might be because she's the love of my life's mother.

"Ahh." She says. "so the pretty little bug admits the truth." Evilness has been leaking into her voice more and more as she speaks. I truly want to be like Adrien but I don't feel like she is. I'm getting nervous as she continues to take more steps towards me. Eventually I will run into a wall and be backed into a corner.

"Starting the party so soon I see." A low yet handsome voice says from behind me. I immediately that recognize the voice as the famed superhero Chat Noir. I also recognize the voice as my Chinese king of a husband.

"Sorry Kitty." I say rather sarcastically. "Just got a little caught up by our friend in blue here."

"Adrien?" The previously strong woman's voice said cracking.

" Who-who are you?" Adrian's voice says. He's about as confused as I am. How does she recognize his identity but not mine? And why is Adrien stuttering? He never stutters.

"Adrien... I'm – I'm your mom..." The lady in blue starters. She really must be his mother. The whole way shes standing and the way she's glancing at him with such worry in her eyes. I know the look on her real mother. Apparently Adrien thinks otherwise.

"No!" He exclaims angrily. "You cannot be my mother! My real mother loved me. She would not leave me and come back at the worst possible time. Nor would she have let her self come under control of a villain. My mother is stronger than that. You are not."

The lady in blue starts to sob. There are soft and no louder than that of a whisper. I feel immense pity towards this lady. I think it's how Adrian interacted with her. I want to hug her and cuddle her and tell her that everything is going to be all right. But I know deep down inside that it's not. " Adrien! I know it might be hard to believe, but I am your mother..." she pauses. "And you will give me your Miraculous."

I know it's short but I swear the next chapter will be a lot better and longer and stuff.... running low on ideas.... god damn it and only like 5 chapters in too...

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