Not Anymore!!

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"Gabriel how could you!?" She exclaims her blonde hair flipping over her shoulder as if her husband was standing behind her. Sadly he wasn't or else I probably would've killed him then and there. She continues to search about for the sound of the voice coming from apparently nowhere...

"Father how could you!" He sighs. "I'm sorry Mylady I didn't believe you! I just really hope that my father was not this evil person that he actually is!" He glares off into the distance as if his father will see him. I hope wherever the hell he is he does see them.

"Emile please, to defeat your husband and bring back his good nature, we need you to give up your Akumitized item." I explain reaching out to her slightly as she was still 20 feet away. She might've been closer but my adrenaline rush was probably making her some further away. She glanced at Adrian and I holding an imaginary item to her chest. She looks from us to endless Parisian night sky back to us. Does this multiple times and holds her head as if it terrible pain is corrupting her. Suddenly the hairpin which we expected comes flying out of her hand she throws it to us. I snapped it in half once we caught it at a little black and purple butterfly flies out. "Time devilize!" I scream, throwing my yo-yo at that little black butterfly. I do my whole routine before releasing the butterfly into the night sky. "Bye-bye little butterfly!" I turn back to Adrian. Neither one of us use your powers so I guess we don't really have a reason to fix anything.

"I still need to use my lucky charms we can fix everything!" I say I like that around frantically for something I can use it on I sigh and just yell "lucky charm!" A small tube of Chapstick comes flying down (if you've seen this... This is my favorite miraculous comic)

"Chapstick!?" Adrian exclaims grabbing the black and red tube from my hand before setting it back down. "What are we supposed to use this for!?"

Are use my Ladybug vision and see only thing highlighted as my lips Adrian's lips and the Chapstick. I squeal in disgust and surprise before quickly screaming "miraculous ladybug!"

"My lady!? What was it for?" Adrian exclaims his mother eyeing me suspiciously as she is now holds the comb in her hands, the beautiful Emile now returned to her normal self. She does look a lot like Adrian especially in the pictures except older, as a little bit of wrinkles around her eyes and mouth.

"N– Nothing..." I say anxious. I'd really prefer not to reveal my identity quite yet I don't think Adrian's mother, knowing that he's married, would like him kissing "other ladies". "The only thing that matters right now is Paris is back to normal and we're one step closer to defeating Hawkmoth!"

"Yes and you've got one more miraculous holder to help you" The of Adrian's mother now is no longer laced with violence nor hatred. It is now light and happy voice the tears that were running from her eyes continuously now have ceased. Though if you look closely you can still see a waterline underneath her eye. I think that might have something to do with her husband.

"No need to worry mom. I think four Miraculouses will be enough." Adrian says smiling. Oh my God! I completely forgot about Alya and Chloé ! I'm such a horrible friend! Apparently Adrian is having the same thoughts. "Oh my God! We completely forgot about them!" And once again Adrian and I take off running leaving the only living mother either of us have behind as the sprint across rooftops looking for other friends. God it's weird to call Chloé a friend!!

"Girl where the hell were you!" 'Rena Rouge' exclaims glaring daggers at me. Little does she know... "We looked all over Paris for you and you just left! You could have gotten hurt Ladybug!"

"No need to worry girls."Adrian says obviously upset about being left out. "I am fine too!" His immense Sass and sarcasm is hilarious to me now!

"We were just defeating the victim. But honestly girls being really need to get going." I say I grab Adrian's arm "Why don't you tell your mother where we're going. I think if she goes back with Gabriel,they'll both be fixed for the better. We really need to get back to China dear. Uh... The king and queen will be waiting for us."

"Oh yeah the king and queen! They're still back in Champagne aren't they?" He says rolling his eyes as if he doesn't believe the words that are coming out of his mouth.

"No dearest, I do believe they went back home once they figured out the little situation we were having here." I say acting slightly annoyed with Adrian. How can you he is literally perfect?! Now the whole family together you should be a lot happier... Aside from the fact they were into completely different countries...


After a very long and strenuous flight back to China, Adrian and I finally get to sit back and relax after two whole nights of staying up completely awake! Not only 10 minutes into relaxing our doors being knocked on by very very very rude maids.

"Your majesty, your highness, we know you just got back from your trip... We really need to discuss some... Political matters." Wei says rubbing her hands together anxiously.

"Yes, and what are they?" Adrian says very sassily in Mandarin.

"Well you your highness... We really need to discuss the whole...heir problem." Tai mumbles.

"Problem?" I ask. How could my children be a problem?

"More if lack of any that's the problem..." Wei explains.

"Riiiigggghhttt." I say running my fingers through my loose hair. I'd changed back into my normal clothes in Champagne when we'd first landed, hence, my costume changed. If I hadn't changed my hair would still be up in a tight bun right now. "I guess that is a problem."

"The people are restless Your Majesty! They refuse to calm until you're... impregnated." Wei says, trying to sound normal but failing epically.

"Well then we should hop to it, bye girls!" Adrian says slamming the door on the poor girls faces.

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