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                                10 years later

"My Ladyyyyyyy! My Ladyyyyyyyyyyyy!" I giggle softly. The curtain moves with my exhale. "Hmmmmmm.... Princessssss.... I know you're in here!!!!" I hold my breath to keep myself from laughing. "FOUND YOU!" The curtain is pulled away from me and I'm exposed.

"Daddy!!!!!" I squeal throwing my arms around his legs.

"Emma baby! I found you! That means you have to help me make mommy some cookies!" Daddy says, tickling my sides.

"Daddyyyyy! Mommy isn't here!" I whine.

"Mommy's coming back today! So we have to surprise her!" Daddy says, setting my down on my knees.

"Mommy said to keep you away from the kitchen while she's gone." I say.

"Well mommy's not here to keep me away so let's go!" Daddy grabs my hands and pulls me downstairs. "Now we have to go find your brother."

"HUGO!! I WANT A HUG!" I yell. Suddenly I hear pounding footsteps coming from the other room. Suddenly my twin brothers face is seen just before he tackled me in a big hug. I giggle as we fall to the floor.

"What's wrong!?" He asks.

"Daddy found me." I say giggling and poking his noise before shoving him off me.

"You're mean." He whines, laying on his back.


"Kitty? Hugo? Emma? Louis?" I call. "Where are you guys?" I check all the rooms and start to get worried. "If this is hide and seek I give up!"

When I start getting down towards the kitchens I hear Emma's loud laughter. "Daddyyyyyyy! You're not supposed to add the flour until after the butter!"

"Shhh! I know how to make cookies." Adrien complains. I quietly open the door to the kitchen to the disaster before me. Adrien is trying to read a flour covered cook book and Emma's trying to sneak in more sugar while he's distracted. Hugo is chasing Plagg around the kitchen and Louis is watching quietly from his high chair, eating a bowl of strawberries.

"Mommy!" Louis says when his eyes meet mine. Adrien and Emma look at me terrified.

"Marinette!" Adrien says, looking surprised. I see his cheeks covered in flour, him looking years older because of all the flour in his hair. I can't help but laugh. "You're not supposed to be home till later."

"My meeting ended early and I wanted to spend time with my family." I say, scooping Hugo up in my arms, Plagg catching a break. "How have my beautiful children been?" I say nuzzling his nose.

"Mommy I'm not a baby anymore! I'm 6!" He complains. I laugh at his whining.

"You'll always be my baby." I say kissing his cheeks.

"Mommy!" Louis yells again, making grabby hands at me.

"Hi my big boy." I say picking him up and rocking him slightly. Hugo nuzzles my face which made me giggle. "I was only gone for the morning." I say laughing.

"One morning too long." Adrien says, taking Hugo and setting him on the floor. He kisses me gently on the lips. "How was your meeting."

"It was a meeting." I sigh. "What have you done to the kitchen."

"Well... I was making cookies." He says embarrassed. "Chocolate chip."

"I was the taste tester!" Hugo says.

"He kept eating all my cookies!" Emma whined.

"We made around a dozen before the servants corrected me and then the future chef." Adrien complains, pointing to Emma. I spot the tray of cookies. I grab the least burned one and take a bite. It's certainly not the best.

"It's good." I say, handing it to Adrien. "As a reward eat your cookies." I scoop up Louis off the floor. "It's someone's naptime now isn't it." I blow a kiss to Adrien before walking out of the kitchen with our 2 year old son in my arms.

"And now it's clean up time for us." Adrien says just before the door closes. I laugh at him.

"Your daddy is one funny man." I say to Louis before kissing his forehead.


"Adrien come to bed." I say, waiting in our bed while he finishes washing up in the bathroom.

"Well if someone hadn't kicked me out when I was trying to earlier then I wouldn't have to still be in here." He says, poking his head out, his wet hair sticking to his face. I sigh dramatically, combing through my hair with my fingers. It had grown considerably long since we moved here as I had no time to cut it.

Adrien comes out of the bathroom, wearing just his sweatpants, exposing his chest which I've seen hundreds of times but never get tired of. In these past 10 years he's bulked up. His abs are now well defined and his arms have gotten larger. Since the defeat of Hawkmoth we have had less crime to fight but we still go out of old times sake, sometimes catching a would be villain in the act. It keeps us sane.

"My Lady, take a picture, it'll last longer." Adrien teases, putting an arm above his head, showing off his muscles.

"You're embarrassing." I say, blushing and covering my eyes.

"I'm all yours." He says, coming up behind me to rub my shoulders.

"I know. I love you." I mumble, enjoying his little massage. We did this every night before bed, kind of a ritual. I enjoy it."

"I love you too Princess." He says, gently placing a kiss on my exposed shoulder.

"How were the kids today." I ask.

"They were our kids. Emma is defiantly yours."

"I sure hope so." I say laughing.

"Maybe we can have another." He says, his arms slithering around my waist.

"Mmm, three isn't enough." I ask teasingly.

"Hmm. I have an idea. Close your eyes." I oblige and close my eyes.

Adrien jumps out of the bed and opens the door and disappears for a few seconds. I start to get excited. The door opens and he places a box in my hands. "Bon anniversaire my lady." (Happy birthday)

I open the box and see a cute little orange hamster wearing a tiny crown crawling around in the box. "Ohhhh Adrien!" I say smiling.

"Well I had to do something right on your birthday. 28 is a big number." He kisses my forehead.

"I love it. Thank you." I kiss his lips. "Hello Princess."

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