Chapter 2

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Photo on the top is of Ezra Khan but with amber eyes.

I turned 21 years old a week ago, and I trained at the military academy that my uncle Olof run for his father, my grandfather Gabriël the Alpha.

For the last three years I trained to become an agent for the special task force team. I have known some of my uncle's best men in the force since I was a child and they were only teenagers. There's one that I've watched from afar for the past five or six years. He is my brother's best friend Khan. I know him from school and his visits to our house, but he's six years my senior, so I never really talked to him. When I was small, I played on my own or with my own age group, kids like Diete, Charlotte, Micheal, Tariq, Arné and Lucca. Khan arrived at our house when I was usually on my way out to my own friends or in later years when I was in my room studying. He, my brother Eli and the four other friends were always the rebels of their age group, the bad boys, the ones that excelled at anything physical and military orientated and very popular among the girls in Lyca. My brother, Vito, Danté, Liam, and Sergei definitely misused that fact, but I've never seen Khan with a specific girl alone. I think he never really noticed me or gives me one second of his attention because I was so young. The other friends used to play and joke with me, but never Khan. He always had this mysterious, dangerous aura around him and if truth were told, I am a little bit afraid of him, but the dangerous persona also enchanted me and when I turned sixteen I admitted to myself I had this huge crash on him. Maybe it was always there, but then he gave me a black hoody and slippers with wolfs on for my sixteenth birthday, and I started to notice him more. From what I've heard, Eli and Khan became two of the Alpha and Beta's most trusted and best agents on the task force team. My brother Eli came back yesterday from a training camp or rathe a  tour overseas after a year and we almost didn't recognise him. He is so muscled and big, he really became a man in the last six years. He said they are back to start a new training program for my uncle. One of the six that went for the training will take the new junior task force team, I do hope it's not my brother. He will only try to coddle me as always. The six best of thirty rookies will be chosen as junior agents and I do pray that I'm one of them since I scored the highest marks in almost everything. The Fay part in me makes me have less physical strength than the pure Lycans, but I'm still the best of the thirty rookie,  and I have other good qualities and powers that others don't have. The rest of the rookies will be divided into teams of six and help with policing on the island, keeping the people safe. I better hurry if I didn't want to be late for the award ceremony. It would be the most humiliating thing ever in my life. As I near the ceremonial area, I get a very strange but also well-known feeling. Something wasn't right. I have goose bumps, but I feel warm all over and extremely calm. Suddenly, my smell is better too, I smell someone's Old spice deodorant, and I can tell it's the Wolfthorne brand. How ironic to wear that brand if you are Lycan already. I'm an empath and I can feel other people's feelings and the feelings that I get is one of total calmness and excitement but then also another feeling of evil but not totally evil, more like mischief. I know I should be on the alert. Something's going to happen. I stand ready. We don't even have our guns with us, we're not allowed to have them on our person yet.

After today's ceremony,  where we will be presented with our official guns, we will be allowed to carry our guns on our persons 24/7. The people around me, or more the rookies, are laughing and chatting. I know that I'm the only one in this group of thirty rookies that have the ability to feel other's feelings and I have the best eyes, that is why I'm the best of the snipers too. But I'm also the only woman sniper. I have a feeling that somebody's watching the group and when I look to the front, I see a big man standing on the stage with his hands on his hips. Wow, he is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen, not handsome but beautiful with a sort of wildness and danger about him. He looks familiar too. I just can't really place him. I move through the other rookies more to the front and decide to use one of my special powers and force him to turn my way so I can see his face and take another look at him. He suddenly looks directly at the place where I am and lifts his chin as if he is sniffing the air. Luckily, I'm not one of the tallest, and I just stand still behind one of the taller men in the group so that I can see him, but he can not see me. The shock of realizing who he is makes my mouth go dry. It almost makes me turn around and run. Before I turn to run, I feel strange, hot all over again, and like I said, I become extremely calm as if someone is soothing my nerves. I didn't have that feeling in almost a year. He's not the boy I remembered from school, he became a man, a big bulky muscled man even bigger than Eli. He's clothed in the formal dress of the officers on the force.

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