Chapter 5

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Well Diete is with Eli at our house since very early this morning, so I think I'm going to my aunt Eva for the rest of the weekend. I can't stand the sexual tension in the house and it's only from the early morning hours when they came in. I mind link my aunt but she says she's not at home. Then I'm going to our beach house on the other side of the island. I need to get away from the two horny Lycans in the house and from Khan. After last night I won't be able to look him in the eyes so soon. I should be careful to block my thoughts better with him. I start packing when I feel the push in my mind and I know immediately who it is. "Stop it Khan, I'm not in the mood to talk." I can hear him laugh and it turns my insides to mush. He sounds so sexy...whoa wait what the hell is wrong with me to think his laugh is sexy. "Babe I'm not in the mood to talk either, but just answer me one thing please? What are you doing at the moment, except to think that my laugh is sexy?" I want to scream and shut him out, but I know he won't go away. "I'm packing a bag to go out of this crazy horny house and find some peace and quiet for the rest of the weekend. Why do you ask?" He laughs and again the thought of how sexy his laugh is, comes into my mind. "Would you like to go fishing with me until Sunday afternoon? We can book two rooms at The Moonshine on the other side of the island for tonight." I think about it for a moment and then I remember I wanted to get away from him, but he starts talking to me again. "I promise I will behave like a gentleman and as I said I don't want to talk, so I won't talk your ears off. It's just a chance for us to be together without our immediate family and friends watching and commenting on our relationship." I know he's not the most talkative guy around, so maybe it won't be that bad and we can use our beach house instead of the hotel on the beach. "Okay, but we can use our beach house, you know it's not far from The Moonshine and it was actually where I was going and there's everything we need to go fishing." It's so strange to say that I can hear him smile, but that's exactly how it is with a mind link. "I'll pick you up in half an hour, is there anything you need for the road or at the beach house, then I can get that when I fill up my truck?" I want something to eat and drink because I didn't have breakfast yet. "Um...I think just an oats bar or two and some Coffee. We can get the other food at the convenience store near the beach when we get there." He immediately knows that she didn't have breakfast yet. " I'll get you that and see you in a bit." He's gone from my mind and suddenly it feels so empty. Dammit I better get myself together. I can't start thinking like that about him. It won't do me any good. I finished packing my bag and moving down stairs when Eli and Diete also come out of Eli's room. "Good morning sister dearest, where are you going this early?" I greet them both seeing Diete's blush and numerous love bites. "I'm going to the beach house to get some peace and quiet." He laughs. "Well then you won't mind if we tag along, we won't bother you..." I turn to him at the end of the stairs. "No, you two horny mutts are the reason I'm leaving. Mom is with grandma Odette on a shopping spree in Palermo till tomorrow, so you two have the house to yourselves when I leave." I put my bag at the door just as I hear a car door and Eli opens the door. He starts to laugh and shakes his head looking at me. "Aha... I see now why we won't be welcome...and you call us horny mutts while you yourself are going on a romantic trip with your mate." I whack him in the head. "That's not what this is ass. We're not horny and we're definitely not going to do any...any...Just shut up and go back to your room mutt." Khan stands at my back I can feel him very near to me. "Well speak for yourself little sister. Khan here will definitely differ from you. I believe he has waited six years for you and he'll have big plans for the two of you." I get angry and start fuming and then Khan puts his hand flat on my back and all the anger vanishes. "Morning Eli, Diete. No my friend, your sister is correct. We're going to your beach house to get away from all the crazy horny gossiping people here in town and on base. So if you guys will excuse us, we'll see you on Sunday night." He bends down and picks up my bag. "Is this all you are taking Love?" I nod and see Eli's open mouth. He probably can't believe Khan just called me Love and I didn't even bite his head off. We leave a surprised Eli and Diete behind. He opens my door and I decided to keep quiet. Inside his big black double cab truck, he points to the two cup holders. "There's our first coffee for the road and your oats bars. I believe I got the right ones. We'll have a proper breakfast at the beach; we'll be there in an hour if I remember correctly." I nod my head. "Yes, thank you it's the right ones. If the traffic is fine, we can make it in under an hour." After that we're quiet and listen to the music that's playing softly in the background. It's very strange to feel so relaxed with a man like him. We don't talk but it's not one of those awkward quiet trips with someone you don't really know that well. When we turn of the highway onto a smaller road he takes his coffee and drinks a few sips before he tries to put it back into the cup holder, but I take it silently from him and puts it in the holder so that he doesn't have to look away from the road. "Thanks Love." I don't say anything but relax against my seat and look out the window. "Did you have a bad night with those two in the house?" I blush when I think about the ruckus they had put up. "Somewhat yes, fortunately they came in just before 3:00, and I at least had a few hours' sleep already." I don't tell him about my very erotic dream again. I turn my head when he chuckles. "It's not funny Khan." He looks at me and the mirth on his face blows me away. "O Love, it's quite normal from what I experienced with other newly mated Lycans. You can just be glad you are not living in a pack house or the barracks. It's even more disturbing in those places. I'm just sorry you had to hear your brother and friend of all people mating." I'm sure I'm red like a beet at the moment, when he suddenly takes my hand in his. I look at him immediately as my hand tingles and I feel the sparks where we touch. "Love I promise I'll make sure we're totally alone for kilometers around us when we mate. Unfortunately, we Lycans can get loud at certain times and mating is one of those times." I'm still blushing but I know what he means. "Maybe it's the Faye or witch in me who can't cope with the Lycan loudness, I don't know. It just irritates me tremendously, if they can't even be a little bit considerate when they know they are in a household with other people, they should leave for a private place of their own. And believe me it wasn't the first time for me to experience those type of thing. Remember I lived in the barracks for the past three years. I only moved back in with my mom since two weeks ago when training stopped. I should be used to him and his antics with woman by now. You know he did that when he was in high school too, especially during full moon. " Khan squeezes my hand and leaves my hand on his thigh to use the indicators. I pull my hand away and he grabs my hand putting it palm down back onto his thigh. I sit very still and almost forget to breathe when he reminds me. "Breathe Love, breathe..." I take a deep breath and let it go slowly. Hell what is going on with me. It's not long before we pull into the driveway to the beach house. The name board my dad made before I was born is still up. "Moretti's Sanctuary." We get out and open the house, fortunately my mom has someone who opens the house once a week to clean it and keep everything fresh.

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