Intruder (pt. 1)(rewritten)

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never did i ever think i'd be rewriting this. yet here we are.

(Y/N) - your name
(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I smiled, waving goodbye to the iconic trio, Matt, Edd, and Tom as they all walked out of the front door, locking it behind them. I wasn't exactly in the mood to go on any kind of adventure at the moment. And i probably wouldn't be anytime soon. See, i moved in about a month ago, and the hassle of attempting to move into a swimming pool room would be enough of an adventure for me for a good while.

I ended up moving into Tom's room, an air mattress on the floor works wonders really. Anything was better than the couch.

I yawned, getting bored alone in the house, deciding to  just go up to me and Tom's room to nap until they got back. But upon turning the corner, i was met with someone already standing there??

I panicked, my face going pale "look man i dont know who the hell you are, but if you dont fucking leave I'm gonna call the fucking police." after a pause between the both of us, he looked me up and down "erm, who are you" he spoke in a thick, Norwegian accent.

"who am I?? you're the one breaking into my house!" i huffed "and- and if you dont leave i'm—"

he cut me off

"yea yea, I get it, I'm unwanted. unfortunately for you, i'm your new roomie." he growled. I gulped "the hell?? if i had a new roommate, Edd would've told me."

He scoffed after seeing me pull my phone out "don't bother I can just show you the texts right h—" I flipped him off, dialing Edd's number. shooting this stranger a glare. After a moment, he picked up "what is it (Y/N) ?" he asked

"some guy broke in claiming to be my new roommate. is this true?" i raised a brow, expecting a no

"oh! yea! tell him I said hi! his name is Tord! he'll be staying awhile since the big city life didnt suit him so well, apparently rent was horrendous" he giggled.

I squeaked. Watching Tord's his expression shift from pissed off, to smug  in an instant "I told you~"

my face flushed red. I fucking hated being wrong.

"thanks. bye." i huffed, hanging up, completely turning to Tord "word of advice, dont make your first impression on someone breaking into their house" I growled, opening the door to my room and slamming it in his face. waiting for Edd to get home.

i wouldnt suggest reading anything else unless you wanna cringe. i was pretty bad at writing. more to come soon :/

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