love you~ (part 3)(rewritten)

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my sanity is slowly failing me

(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

I felt my body slowly regain consciousness from the previous night. Strange. I dont normally sleep this hard.

It felt as if someone was holding me. Maybe I fell asleep with Edd again or something, or was it that Matt had made another pillow fort? I sat up, feeling the warm embrace behind me loosen up, going limp beside whoever it was. It didnt matter right now anyway. I just wanted to wake up before deciding what adventures we were going on today. I rubbed my eyes, putting my arms in the air and began stretching

"well, looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake"

Suddenly, everything came back at once. That dick had invited me to watch a movie, and for some reason I had accepted??

I fell off the couch mid stretch. Oh god— that would mean the person who was holding me was—

I turned around, looking up at where I was.

Surely enough, there he was. Sitting there with a painfully smug expression.
"woah there, already falling for me, love?" he giggled, holding a hand out

(i dont normally enjoy interrupting fanfics, but i had to  add this scene again, it was cheesy, but it was kind of cute. it just had to be written right haha)

I cringed to myself.
"whats up your ass this morning?" I smacked his hand away. Getting up on my own, putting my hands on my hips.

Tord rubbed his hand "damn, I'd ask you the same if I wouldn't get smacked for it."

I glared at him, going to the kitchen to make breakfast. I had no idea what it was about him, but he pissed me off. Something just- wasn't right about him.

I began pulling out all of the ingredients to make bacon pancakes, and begun the process.

as I was making breakfast, I felt my mind wonder. I couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was, but my head kept going back to the new roomie. Who does he think he is talking to me like that?? We just met.

however, just thinking back on the way his words rolled off his tongue made my stomach twirl. I told myself I'd think about how he made me feel later, and now was later. At first thought, he infuriates me, but the more I think about him, the more my stomach twirls. This whole situation was annoying. For once I couldn't step back and calm down, because I literally live with this person.

its like every encounter with him was some reminder of this issue. What if I just locked myself in my room the whole day?? no. That would be miserable.

I wonder what Tord was doing right now? was he overthinking the same as me?? Or was he just, sitting there, blissfully unaware of the issue. Oh who am I kidding. why would he feel the same way. Fuck. the temptation to turn around was itching at the back of my head. But what if he was looking at me?? That would just show that I'm thinking about this to much.

fuck. But if I dont— this would be bugging me all day.

I sucked my pride up, and turned around. All to see him standing in the kitchen doorway. I flinched, not expecting that at all. Not to mention how creepy it came off as. He wore a blank expression, looking me up and down.

"the pancakes are burning." he went to go sit down at the couch.

I squeaked, finishing the pancakes up, putting them all on separate plates in a panic.

this guy was really getting on my nerves.

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