Part 8

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Percy pov

"Hey G-man" I said " anything? I bump with Mrs.Den, who turn out to be a sphinix."

" I know there was monster aroud but I barely smell it , you know . I try to warn you but the signal is kinda ... jammed? " Grover said.

"this is totally getting creepy. I wonder if we are going to stay the whole year or just half?" 

"dunno, maybe we get out when this whole thing clear up."than he look a bit amused and mutter " she's going  to have  their hide" 

I gave him a confused look and he motioned to my left.Two girls, probaly plastics, with desighner shoes and rich daddies was staring at me. My hand immedily went to my nose. maybe i got a pen sratch on my nose. Thoses girls gigged. One of them wave at me.She have arban hair and dark blue eyes. Her friend have brown hair and brown eyes. With her brown outfit she look rather like a walking poop.

 I realize I have been staring at them and than I saw Annabeth staring at 'me' with why-the-hell-is-percy,-staring-at-them look on her face."she thinking I seeing them" I throught" heck, not only Annabeth, Athena herself is going to kill me. I just barely got her official permission to date her daughter. I turn to Annabeth but all I saw was her blonde ponytail disapearing into view.I turn and glare at those blasted girls.They were gigeling uncontrolbely than stopped as fast as it began. Curious why, I look around . I saw couple of guys talking and a teacher scolding two girls about dress code, a nerd studing, and a girl with purple eyes glaring at poop face and arban head. It was Crystal. 

"That girl give me creeps, you know" Grover whisper next to me.

"I know"

Than the first bell rings, telling the next class is starting soon. Student and teachers begin to rush to class.

"come on we got to move, you got chemitry next.We can figure this later.right?" grover said and drag me to the class.I barely know where I was walking. I almost end up head first in the dustbin. Luckly Grover pull me at last minute. It's a miracle there ins't a flocks of owls attacking me.

" we're here Perce, snap it" Grover said snaping finger in front of my face.I nodded.

" Annabeth" I started.

"I will TRIED to calm her down, but you should talk to her."

"how?" I asked miserible.

"at 10:30, IM her" he said unworried.

"wouldn't she be in class, those mortals will be pretty freak out if there's suddenly a talking rainbow even if the mist cover it."

"don't worry, I got a plan"he assure.I raise a eyebrow.

He roll his eyes"at least mine don't bite *cough*cerubus*cough*first quest*cough* "

Now it's my time to roll my eyes."wharever" and walk into class with Grover cracking up behind me.

Just after I arrive and take a seat, a nightmares walk in. It was those two donkeys, Arban head and Poop face.I groan. seriously? Donkeys giggle and sit right behind me.This just prove my theroy.School is a living night mare.The final bell rang on the dot and a gym intruster walk, a teacher. but he look like he's ready for a hike.

"Hola, class! I'm Mr.Mare. Neigh!neigh! But please don't call me Mr.Horse!"he greeted.Maybe i will not fall asleep this class after all.

"alright class! so what do you think about chemistry? Any ideas?" 

A few hands went up.some one answered.Mr.Mare continued."we are all chemists guys and gals! not just a bunch of guys in a white lab coat, mixing stuff....."

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