P.2 ~~ A Beginning To Our Ends

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Mario scoffed at the rain. "Why couldn't we take the car?" He questioned Princess Peach.

"Not everything goes your way,Mario." Peach answered.

Luigi seemed to drag himself along with the group. Bowser elbowed Luigi. "What's wrong??" Bowser said in a tone. Luigi looked shot him  unhappy expression.
"Go die,Bowser."

Bowser put his hands back to his sides and continued walking. Toadette's eyes squinted at the quiet.

"Hey guys,wanna hear a joke?" She asked,a sly smirk appearing onto her face.  "Woo,jokes!" Toad exclaimed,flinging his arms all across the place.
Mario shrugged. "Sure..."

There was quiet.

"BIG DIDLOOOOO!!!!!!" Toadette screamed louder and longer then Toad could scream "banana".

Everybody groaned,while Toadette laughed her guts out.


Peach stopped at the masion's door.
"This is the place!" She said cheerfully,then pressed the doorbell.

They all waited upon the door. Then it openes itself. Starlow floated backwards a bit. "Dafaq?"

"Yoshi,Yoshi? ((What happened? Never seen a door open before?))" Yoshi asked. He leaned next to Starlow uncomfortably. "Yoshi yosh? ((Or are ya scared?))" Starlow floated away.
"Yeah...uhh...fuck you too." She blurted,not knowing how to reply.
Yoshi rolled his eyes and mumbled.

The crew walked in. After they did,the door had shut itself behind them.
"Great technology.." Bowser Jr growled,getting frightened by the door closing.

Luigi looked around,hugging Toad. The only sound heard was Toad hacking and coughing from Luigi hugging him too tight. "Why is it so dark?" He asked.

Mario shrugged,then looked at Princess Peach. "Use your light up panties." He joked. Princess Peach slapped Mario across the face.

Birdo snorted. "Wer wer..((This place is 1-star already,yuck.))" Yoshi glowered at her. "Yoshi yosh...((Tell me something I don't know..))".

Princess Peach shrugged. "Maybe we came early!" She suggested,sitting herself down on a seat. The light suddenly flickered on.

"Oh." Peach looked at the table. Yoshi and Wario had started feasting already. "Guys,we don't even know where the fucking host is!" She said.

Mario kept stuffing popcorn in his mouth. "Fuck him." He muffled. Peach sighed,facepalming herself. Toad even started eating the desert. He was suddenly tackled by Starlow. "MINE!" She cried. The two just started a big fight over an already cut cake.

Peach growled something,then said. "GUYS,BREAK IT UP!". Toad and Starlow didn't seem to listen. Peach whimpered. "This is what a disfuctional family looks like.."

The lights suddenly flickered off. Starlow screamed and hugged Toad.
"Yoshi!! ((Hah,scardey bitch))." Yoshi taunted. "You're gay too!" She hissed. There was a vase crash. She gasped and continued to hug Toad.

"What the fuck happened?" Mario muffled. Peach slapped the popcorn out of Mario's hand. Mario glowered at Peach. Peach huffed.

"Toadsworth,check the cable." She asked. "In your dreams,majesty." He chuckled.

Princess Daisy shrugged. "Let uh...Weegee check it out!" She suggested. Luigi spat out his drink.
"NO!" He sputtered.

"It's not like you're gonna die." Daisy joked. Then Starlow let out a scream. The lights flickered on to see her covered in blood. She was staring horrifically at Toad. He was dead.

And he was headless. Starlow was shaking. "CHIPPY! WHAT HAPPENED?!!" Bowser cried.

Starlow looked at them. "He...he..." Starlow started. "Somebody..."

"Who?!" Luigi asked. Starlow gulped. She shook her head. "I don't know!" She choked,starting to cry.

Mario looked at Peach.

"Oh shit." He whispered.

Mario's Murder Mystery || A Mario Fanfic || ((Finished))Where stories live. Discover now