P.6 ~~ Blood by Blood

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Bowser Jr held his father tight as they exaimined the halls. "Dad,it's scary here." Bowser Jr whimpered.

"I know it is," Bowser said. "Just be quiet." Bowser Jr could only reply with a nod and lay his head on his shoulder. Bowser glared around. He continued walking.

Then they entered the bathroom. Bowser closed the door. He looked around. Bowser Jr would shake at the appearance of it.
It looked...
Like all of this. He never wanted this to happen. All he wanted was a happy life. Now he was stuck in here while everybody was targeted by somebody.

Bowser Jr shook a bit again. He looked at his father. He grabbed his father's hand. "D-dad.." He sputtered. Bowser looked down at him.

"I feel something." He choked our fearfully. Bowser looked at him in confusion. The lights flickered off. Bowser looked around. He noticed tnat he wasn't holding his son's hand anymore.


All he could hear was distant scremaing of a male child. The lights flickered on. Bowser slammed the door to the bathroom with his massive hand. "GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" He growled loudly.

Then,a mist filled the room. Bowser coughed. He shook it away. The lights flickered off. Bowser could only see pitch black. "What the--" he was cut off by a knife digging throught his neck.

His head fell off and onto the floor with a thud. The body fell.

A figure stared down at the headless body,then walked off.

He closed the door.

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