P.5 ~~ Poision Perfume

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Birdo held hands with Yoshi. She looked fearful,while Yoshi forced cofidence.

"Wer wer.. ((Yoshi,i'm scared..))" She confessed. Yoshi only nodded. Birdo was confused,bur decide not to ponder and looked away. They entered the kitchen.

Birdo segerated from Yoshi. The kitchen had seemed entirely safe and unentered. She examined it. "Wer wer? ((Why are we stopping here?))"
She prompted.

"Yoshi yoshi. ((Cuz,the murder))." Yoshi replied. Birdo's tail twitched. Shw shrugged and went a different direction. Yoshi's gaze flickered across the kitchen. It stopped at the kitchen table.


It was a really bad time to be feasting,for the murder could be lurking by anywhere. But it looked so bueatiful...
That slice of cake he had to have.
Birdo glared at Yoshi,who was starting to feast on the cake. Birdo rolled her eyes. "Wer wer... ((Yoshi...))"

Yoshi looked at her. He smiled. Frosting lined across the exterior of his mouth. Birdo chuckled dispite the crisis they were involved in. Yoshi then coughed. Birdo looked at him with concern. "Wer wer..? ((Yoshi,is everything alright?))"

Blood started to ooze ot of his mouth. Yoshi shook,then collasped into Birdo"s arms. He shook so hard that it felt like Yoshi was having a seizure.
"Wer wer! ((Yoshi! Snap out!))"
More blood came out of his mouth. Yoshi suddenly slumped and went limp. His eyes were bloodshot and wide. Blood trickled from his mouth to the side of of his face and onto the floor.

Birdo shook him. She then hugged Yoshi. Birdo stared at the dead body.
Her eyes were wide and welled with tears. She kept her sobs silent so the murder could not hear her.

She got up,Yoshi still in her arms. She walked to the table and set him down onto a chair. Birdo would grab a red drink from the counter and sat in a chair next to him. She just stared.

She knew the murder wasn't here. Anymore,atleast. She took a sip of the luquid,not noticing the poision inside it.

She moved into a phase of shaking and then quickly died.

But before she did,she slipped her hand into Yoshi's to hold it.

The two dinos lay there with cold bodies and bloodshot eyes.

Mario's Murder Mystery || A Mario Fanfic || ((Finished))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ